Board Policy


BP1000 Policy Governance
– BP1000.1 Ends Statements
– BP1000.2 Executive Limitations
– BP1000.3 Governance Process
– BP1000.4 Board-Staff Linkage
BP1003 Community College Act of 1967 (State Policy) (see also BP 1000.3)
BP1004 Delegation of Appointing Authority (see also BP 1000.3 &.4)
BP1005 Employee Recognition
BP1010 Board of Trustees – Goals & Outcomes (see also BP 1000.1)
BP1015 Staff Participation In Political Activities
BP1025 Statement on Equity, Inclusion & Diversity (EID)
BP1030 Compensation Plan
BP1040 Personnel Administration
BP1050 Collective Bargaining

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BP2050 State Employees Misconduct
BP2070 Reasonable Accommodation For Employees
BP2080 Return To Work
BP2320 Vocational/Technical Program Advisory Committees
BP2400 Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse

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BP3000 Categories Of Authorized Leave
BP3001 Shared Leave
BP3011 Administrative and Exempt Staff Employment and Benefits Schedule
BP3015 Administrative/Exempt Staff Performance Evaluations
BP3019 Drug Free/Alcohol Free Work Place
BP3020 Administrative and Exempt Contract
BP3025 Retirement Medical Expense Plan (VEBA) for Qualified BBCC Employees


BP4001 Layoff Policy For Classified Staff
BP4130 Suspended Operation Policy For Big Bend Community College
(see also BP 1004.8)
BP4200 Communications/Grievance Procedure For Classified and Exempt Staff
BP4500 Salary Determination Policy for Non-Represented Classified Employees
BP4602 Unused Sick Leave Compensation

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BP5400 Vocational Instructor Employment and Certification Policy
BP5500 Professional Leaves

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BP7100 Children on Campus
BP7700 Safety, Security, and Emergency Management
BP7800 Firearms and Dangerous Weapons


BP6000 Institutional Fund Balances & Contingencies
BP6100 Tuition and Fees
BP6101 Tuition and Fee Waivers  
BP6106 Admission
BP6107 Confidentiality Of Student Records
BP6110 College Tuition and Fees–Refund Policy
BP6111  Electronic & Information Technology Access (EITA)

BP6112 Reasonable Accommodation for Students
BP6114 Credit Hour
BP6115 Equal Employment, Non-Discrimination And Anti-Harassment
BP6116 Credit for Prior Learning Assessment & Military Training
BP6120 Hazing Prevention
BP6130 Student Holidays for Reasons of Faith or Conscience 
BP6200 Services and Activities Fee Budgeting Policy
BP6300 Athletics
BP6400 Honorary Degrees

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BP8001  Smoking/Tobacco Policy (formerly Washington Clean Indoor Air Act)
BP8020 Solicitation Of Funds
BP8021 Gifts, Grants, and Donations
BP8030 Surplus Property
BP8040 Check Cashing
BP8045 Credit Card Security
BP8050 Use Of College Equipment By Non-College Users
BP8051 Big Bend Community College Facility Use Policy
BP8053 Information Technology Security Policy
BP8054 Ethical Conduct & Conflicts Of Interest
BP8055 Non-Fraternization Policy
BP8056 Business Competition Policy
BP8057 Office of Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises Policy
BP8058 Big Bend Community College Travel Policy
BP8059 Cellular Telephone Use Policy
BP8060 Records Management
BP8070 Presentation of Diplomas
BP8100 Grants and Contracts
BP8200 Big Bend Community College Investment Policy (see also BP 1000.2 &.3)
BP8300 Identity Theft Prevention Program