
Special Admissions Programs
Special Student Admissions

Transfer Students

Students transferring to BBCC will be given appropriate credit for college level work completed in regionally accredited post-secondary institutions.

Students must submit to the Student Services Office official transcripts from each institution attended. Credit will be awarded from official transcripts only. The cumulative grade point average of all credits accepted must be 2.00 or higher. Although there is no limit on the number of credits a student may transfer to BBCC before graduating, the student must meet all BBCC degree requirements, including residency requirements (see section on Degree and Certificate Requirements in the current Course Catalog).

The college subscribes to the statewide Policy on Inter-college Transfer and Articulation among Washington Public Colleges and Universities endorsed by the public colleges and universities of Washington state and the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges and adopted by the Higher Education Coordinating Board. For more detailed information contact the Student Services Office or the Counseling Center. Credits are awarded following recommendations provided by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers.


In programs where appropriate, credits may also be given for military service schools attended. These are normally awarded as recommended by the ACE Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experience in the Armed Services.  Please see our Military Service credit policy.  Current and former military members may obtain information on ordering a military transcript at the following website:

Running Start

To qualify for Running Start a student must:
Be registered as a junior or senior in a Washington high school.
Be under 21 years of age.
Provide approved English and math placement information and place into a college-level English or math course (college level classes – 100 and above).
If enrolling in a Work Force Education (welding, industrial Systems, Auto, Aviation, Technology, etc.) program, you must place into the appropriate English and math for that program.
Click here for the Running Start Getting Started Checklist.

Mon-Thurs7:30 AM - 5 PM
Friday7:30 AM - 2:30 PM