Drug-Free Campus

BBCC ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS: Drug-Free Workplace (Administrative Policy 3019)

Drug/Alcohol Abuse Prevention

One of the most important social decisions a college student will make is to use or not use alcohol and other drugs. The choice is an individual decision. Before making this decision, all students should be informed about the effects of alcohol and drugs and the potential consequences of using them.

Big Bend Community College prohibits the unlawful manufacture, delivery, possession, or use of alcohol, marijuana in any form, other controlled substances, and drug paraphernalia while on college property while conducting college business, and while participating in any college-sponsored activities whether on campus or not.

Board Policy 3019, Drug Free/Alcohol Free Workplace Policy and Administrative Process 3019, Drug & Alcohol Abuse Prevention are intended to meet, at a minimum, the requirements of all applicable federal and state laws, including but not limited to the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989 and the Drug-Free Workplace Act Of 1988.


Big Bend Community College will impose disciplinary sanctions on students found accountable for violations of BP 3019, Drug Free/Alcohol Free Workplace Policy. Sanctions will be imposed in accordance with the provisions of the Student Code of Conduct. Sanctions that may be imposed include but are not limited to:

  • Mandatory attendance at a prevention education program
  • Loss of privileges, restitution, community service, and/or fines
  • Eviction from college-owned or controlled housing
  • Suspension and/or dismissal from the college
  • If under 21, notification of the student’s parents/guardians
  • Or some combination of the above

As required by federal law, the college cooperates with law enforcement authorities in referring for prosecution of unlawful possession, use or distribution of alcohol and illicit drugs by students or employees on college premises or as part of any of its activities.

If you have been convicted of drug possession, you will be ineligible for federal financial aid for one year from the date of your conviction after the first offense, two years after the second offense, and indefinitely after the third offense. If you have been convicted for selling drugs, you will be ineligible for federal financial aid for two years from the date of your conviction after the first offense, and indefinitely after the second offense. If you lose your eligibility for federal financial aid, you can regain eligibility early by successfully completing an approved drug rehabilitation program.

A description of the health risks associated with the abuse of alcohol and use of illicit drugs

Alcohol – Alcohol abuse is involved in the majority of violent behavior incidents: sexual assault, sexual misconduct, vandalism, fights, and driving under the influence. Alcohol (and other depressants) abuse results in impaired judgment and coordination, aggressive behavior, impairment in learning & memory, respiratory depression, coma, and possibly death when taken in excess or combined with other depressants.

Club Drugs (GHB, Rohypnol & Ecstacy) – GHB is an illegal depressant (liquid or powder) which is odorless & colorless (therefore it can be easily slipped into drinks undetected). GHB can be used to facilitate rape because it causes impairments in judgment, sleepiness & amnesia. Rohypnol also known as “Roofies” is a strong depressant drug, commonly known as the “Date Rape” drug. When ingested with alcohol or other drugs, effects begin within three (3) minutes and peak within two (2) hours. MDMA/Ecstacy/XTC is a hallucinogenic mind-altering drug. Adverse effects include confusion, depression, sleep problems, severe anxiety & paranoia, nausea, blurred vision, faintness, and the possibility of long-term brain damage.

Marijuana – The effects associated with marijuana use include: increased blood pressure, blood-shot eyes, dry mouth, hunger, impairment of short-term memory and concentration, altered sense of time, decreased coordination and motivation, psychological dependence, lung cancer, and possibly chronic lung disease after long-term use.

Methamphetamines/Amphetamines & other Stimulants – Symptoms of stimulant abuse include: increased heart & respiratory rates, elevated blood pressure, dilated pupils, excessive perspiration, headache, dizziness, sleepiness, anxiety, and loss of appetite, coma, and death may result.

Ritalin – A prescription drug used to treat ADHA, ADD and other conditions. It has similar effects to those of cocaine and amphetamines. Ritalin is often abused for appetite suppression and/or to stay awake.

Narcotics (Heroin, Morphine, Codeine, Demerol, Percodan) – Narcotics initially produce a feeling of euphoria followed by drowsiness, nausea, and vomiting. Overdose may cause slow and shallow breathing, clammy skin, convulsions, coma, and possibly death.

Hallucinogens (LSD, Mescaline, Cannabis, Magic Mushrooms) – Hallucinogens or psychedelics are mind-altering drugs which affect the mind’s perceptions, causing bizarre, unpredictable behavior and severe, sensory disturbances that may place users at risk of serious injuries or death. The combination of hallucinogens with other substances, like alcohol or marijuana, can increase the chances of adverse effects and the risk of overdose.

Inhalants (glue, paint thinner, gasoline, laughing gas, aerosol sprays) – Psychoactive substances inhaled as gases. Adverse effects may include nausea, sneezing, coughing, nosebleeds, fatigue, lack of coordination, brain & nervous system damage and possibly death.

Cocaine – Use produces psychological & physical dependence. Adverse effects include elevated blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate & body temperature, increased risk of contracting HIV/AIDS (sharing needles), chronic use can result in ulceration and rupture of the mucous membrane.

Anabolic Steroids (Anadrol, Oxandrin, Durabolin, Stanozol, Dianabol) – Man-made substances related to male sex hormones. Steroids are taken to improve physical performance as well as to enlarge muscles and increase strength. Negative effects of steroids include baldness, cysts, shrinking of testicles, oily hair, and skin, acne, heart attack, stroke and change in voice. Hostility is also a frequent side effect of anabolic steroids.

Tranquilizers (Valium) – Use of tranquilizers can induce calm and relaxation. Feelings will range from mild euphoria to drowsiness, confusion, and light-headedness. Hostility, blurred vision, hallucinations, lethargy, memory loss, and irritability can also occur.

Information, Education, and Counseling

Big Bend Community College emphasizes the importance of information and education helping to prevent alcohol and drug abuse. The college is committed to helping students prevent and address alcohol and drug abuse problems. For additional information about counseling, assessment, and referral services, contact:

BBCC Counseling Center 509.793.2035
Alcoholics Anonymous 509.664.6469
Central WA Narcotics Anonymous            877.664.6469
Grant County Prevention and Recovery Center 509.765.5402
Dean of Student Services 509.793.2077

Available Counseling, Treatment or Rehabilitation

Students with alcohol or drug-related problems are encouraged to contact the BBCC Counseling Office for information and referral. Students may also take advantage of services provided by the Grant County Prevention and Recovery Center 509.765.5402. The center provides such services as alcohol and drug assessments, individual counseling, family counseling, group therapy, an intensive outpatient program and alcohol and other drug information school. Private practitioners and agencies are listed in the local telephone directory.


BBCC Counseling Center
(509) 793-2035

Alcoholics Anonymous
(509) 664-6469

Central WA Narcotics Anonymous
(877) 664-0398

Grant County Prevention & Recovery Center
(509) 765-5402

Dean of Student Services
(509) 793-2054