Campus Safety

Drug & Alcohol Abuse Prevention

Injury or near-miss Report

Report It

Student’s Right to Know

Title IX

Campus Safety: environmental safety, security, emergency management
Scan our number into your contacts

Security call (509) 793-2286

 All Calls to 911 must also be reported to Campus Safety

The BBCC Campus Safety Department attempts to provide a safe and inclusive community where students, faculty, staff, and visitors may experience a sense of security and belonging.

Security is not available 24/7. 

What We Do

Campus Safety is responsible for five program areas:

  1. Campus Security
  2. Emergency Management and the Incident Command System (ICS)
  3. Environmental Health and Safety (EHS),
  4. Hazardous waste collection and disposal
  5. Clery Act compliance

Crime Reporting on Campus

To help maintain a safe and secure campus environment, all crimes need to be reported as soon as possible to BBCC Campus Safety (509) 793-2286 or to the appropriate local law enforcement agency (509) 762-1160. Campus Safety Officers investigate all criminal activity or actions which impact the ability to work or study at BBCC. Criminal incidents will be referred to the appropriate law enforcement agency and violations of the Student Code of Conduct will be forwarded to the BBCC Student Conduct Officer for further action.

To Report a Crime

For emergencies, life-threatening situations, or crimes in progress, call 9-1-1.

Non-emergency assistance and information is available on campus by calling Campus Safety at (509) 793-2286.

Safety on Campus

BBCC is an open campus, so the public can access the grounds and facilities. Please safeguard your personal belongings such as wallets, backpacks, laptops, cell phones, and handbags while on campus. Report suspicious activity people right away. See something, say something.
We also encourage students to secure their valuables in a safe location such as their vehicle’s trunk or residence hall room.

For Residence Halls, it is required to keep room doors and exterior doors locked for safety purposes. Do not prop open doors. Ensure you always carry your room keys with you. In case you are locked out of your room, call your on-duty RA, and please be prepared to present your Campus ID.

Tips to help you develop a personal safety plan:

  • Carry a cell phone
  • Remain alert
  • Vary your route
  • Walk with a friend
  • During dark hours, stay in well-lit areas
  • Take advantage of Safety Escorts

Vehicle Issues

Campus Safety provides limited support for those who may need vehicle assistance.  We may be able to assist with a vehicle jumpstart, keys locked in vehicle, and a flat tire.  You may need to contact a locksmith or tow service for further assistance.

Safety Escort

Safety Escorts to locations or vehicles are available to students, faculty, and staff upon request. Call (509) 793-2286 to request an escort.

Lost and Found

The Business Office in the 1400 Administration Building manages on-campus lost and found. Please call (509) 793-2222.

Support for victims that have obtained Restraining Orders, Orders of Protection, No Contact Orders and Anti-Harassment Orders

Campus Safety Officers can help support you based on your situation.

Clery Act – Crime Statistics

Safety on the Big Bend Community College campus is a major concern for students, parents, and college employees. Education – the business of the College – can only take place in an environment in which each student and staff member feels safe. The College administration recognizes this and has made security a top priority.

In compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998, Big Bend Community College reports the mandated information about current campus safety issues.  The college will make available safety and security policies and the required Daily Crime Log. You can view this information by reading the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report located on this web page.  The Daily Crime Log is also available on this web page.   

The Daily Crime Log

Any institution that has a campus security department must create and maintain a daily crime log. The crime log must be made available to the public detailing crimes which occurred within the past 60 days and within the campus’ Clery Geography. The institution may withhold this information if there is evidence that releasing this information would jeopardize an ongoing investigation. The information will be released when adverse actions are mitigated. Older crime information may be requested by filing a request for public information through the HR department.

Campus Safety Contact
Campus Safety
Call 509-793-2286 to reach an on-duty security guard
Juan Loera headshot: Campus Safety Director

Loera, Juan

Director of Campus Safety
Logo of Big Bend Thor

Rhyne, Stephen

Security Guard
Logo of Big Bend Thor

Garcia Osorio, Maria

Security Guard
Logo of Big Bend Thor

Stallings, Thomas

Security Guard
Logo of Big Bend Thor

Cortez, Martin

Security Guard
Logo of Big Bend Thor

Carrillo, David

Security Guard
Logo of Big Bend Thor

Perales, Porfirio

Security Guard
Logo of Big Bend Thor

Curry, Tyrone

Security Guard
Logo of Big Bend Thor

Martinez, Elvia

BEdA Associate Faculty
Logo of Big Bend Thor

Goodge, Andrew

Security Guard
Logo of Big Bend Thor

Guerrero, Leticia

Security Guard
Logo of Big Bend Thor

Cortez, Danuel

Security Guard
Logo of Big Bend Thor

Flores, Dolores

Security Guard