Public Records Request

If you are requesting official high school or college level student academic records, a diploma or a transcript, DO NOT complete a Request for Public Records. Go to the Transcript Request  page. 

RCW 42.56 and the Washington State Public Records Act of 1972 require that as a state agency Big Bend Community College must provide access to public records and respond accordingly.  Public records include any writing in virtually any form, including, but not limited to, electronic media, paper, e-mail and text messages, voice mail messages, social media postings, microfilm, videotape, magnetic tape and CDs that contain information relating to the conduct or performance of College business and are prepared, owned, used, or retained by the College.

How to Request Public Records

  • A request should be made, in writing preferably, on the form available at:

    Request for Public Record Form

     A request must give a specific description of the requested record(s), including type of record and date(s).   If the request is not clear, the College may request clarification.

  • Only existing identifiable records are public records.  The law does not require the creation of new records to respond to a public records request.
  • The request should be emailed, faxed, or mailed to our Records Officer:

    Kim Garza
    Big Bend Community College
    7662 Chanute St, NE
    Moses Lake, WA  98837
    Fax Number: (509) 762-6329
    Phone: (509) 793-2010

Generally, within 5 business days, of receiving a request, the college will:

  • Provide copies or provide an estimate of when the records will be available or
  • Reply that no responsive records exist; or
  • Acknowledge the request and ask for additional clarification(s); or
  • Provide applicable exemptions

Are there costs connected with a public records request?

  • No, if the requester only wants to view the requested records.  Please indicate in your request whether you want to view only or need copies.  During inspection of the records, College personnel will be present with a person who views the records to ensure protection of the records and to maintain the order of the records. Viewing of documents will only be during regular business hours and must be set up in advance with the Records Officer.
  • Yes, if the requester wants a copy of the requested records.  The charge for copies is .15 per page of copying or scanning of records plus the actual shipping charges.

Exemptions and Limitations

Some records are exempt from the public disclosure law.  Here are a few examples:

  • Personal information, i.e., residential address or telephone numbers of any individuals associated with the College, medical/health records, ADA disability records
  • Social security numbers
  • Mailing lists of employees, volunteers, and students to be used for commercial purposes
  • Student education records as provided under FERPA, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
  • Library information about library users
  • All applications for public employment, including the names of applicants, resumes, and other related materials submitted with respect to an applicant
  • Test questions, scoring keys, and other examination data used to administer any examination
  • Information regarding the infrastructure and security of computer and telecommunications networks to the extent they identify specific system vulnerabilities.
  • Credit and debit card numbers, account numbers, expiration dates, and personal financial data.

Online Resources & External Site Policy

As a matter of web policy, we do not exchange links with proprietary websites (whether businesses, aggregators, agencies, or colleges).

When our site links to another site, it is because that site has value for our site visitors in the context of Washington’s two-year public community and technical colleges, direct partner organizations, and educational institutions. Whether or not the other site links back to ours is of no consideration in our decision.