A&AS = Accommodation and Accessibility Services |
AA&S DTA = Associate in Arts & Sciences Direct Transfer Agreement |
AAS = Associate of Applied Science Degree |
AAS-T = Associate of Applied Science – Transfer Degree |
AMT = Aviation Maintenance Technology |
AS-T = Associate in Science – Transfer Degree |
ATEC = Advanced Technologies Education Center (1800 building) |
BAS = Bachelor of Applied Science |
BAS-AM = Bachelor of Applied Science in Applied Management |
BBT = Big Bend Technology |
BEdA = Basic Adult Education for Adults |
CDL = Commercial Driver’s License |
CEID = Committee for Equity Inclusion and Diversity |
CLEP = College-Level Examination Program |
CTE = Career and Technical Education |
DSHS = Department of Social and Health Services |
EMPLID = Student ID/ctcLink ID |
FAFSA = Free Application for Federal Student Aid |
HEP = High School Equivalency Program |
HR = Human Resources |
JATP = Japanese Agriculture Training Program |
MCO = Master Course Outline |
MRP = Major Related Program |
NSE = New Student Enrollment |
RAVE = campus alerts |
SASS = Student Administrative Support Services |
SSS = Student Support Services |
STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math |
USDE = United States Department of Education |
WASFA = Washington Application for State Financial Aid |
WEC = Workforce Education Center (3700 building) |
WES = Workforce Education Services |
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