Below you will find a list of contact information for all of the services we offer. Services can be reached face-to-face, online, by email, or by telephone. Some services are available using zoom or texting. To contact an individual, try our general contact page.
Search: |
Basics at BBCC: ID numbers and logins, technology available, and suggested for students
Basic Computer Skills
Microsoft Office 365: how to access or install (free) and use it
Using Canvas: BBCC’s online learning platform
Page: Technology @ BBCC
Students that have an eligible disability (see page for list) may be eligible for services. Zoom and phone appointments are available.
Email: | |
Phone: | (509) 793-2027 |
TDD Phone: | (509) 793-2325 |
Page | Accommodation & Accessibility Services |
Support and resources related to admissions and enrollment at Big Bend. All about becoming a Big Bend Student.
Email: | |
Phone: | (509) 793-2089 |
Page: | Admissions & Enrollment |
Advisors guide you in degree requirements, class selection, and developing a balanced schedule. Walk-in advising offers quick support for course changes, planning, and general questions—no appointment needed. It does not replace mandatory advising if you have an advising hold.
Email: | |
Phone: | (509) 793-2089 |
Texting: | (509) 855-4671 |
Page: | Advising |
For questions about English Language Learning classes (ESL/ELL/ELA), High School Diploma/GED, or the Open Doors Program.
Email: | |
Phone: | (509) 793-2304 |
Page: | Basic Education for Adults |
For technical assistance with your BBCC account, network ID and password, online orientation, or BBCC email.
Email: | |
Phone: | (509) 793-2206 |
Texting: | (509) 596-0274 |
Page: | BBT |
For assistance with Career Services, including job search preparation and assistance, career assessments, connections to employers and industry.
Email: | |
Phone: | (509) 793-2045 |
Page: | Career Services |
Campus safety, emergency management, reporting, and more. (for emergencies, call 911)
Email: | |
Phone: | (509) 793-2286 |
Campus Alerts: | |
Page: | Campus Safety |
Resources and help with online learning.
Email: | |
Phone: | (509) 793-2352 |
Canvas: | |
Page: | Distance Learning |
The child care center provides children with a safe, nurturing, and positive learning environment where they can build cognitive, social, emotional, language and physical development.
Email: | |
Phone: | (509) 793-2173 |
Page: | Child Care Center |
The Counseling Center offers personal, confidential, and professional assistance to BBCC students. Office, Zoom, and phone appointments are available. Services free.
Phone: | (509) 793-2035 |
Page: | Counseling Center |
For basic support with ctcLink which students use for enrolling in classes, viewing class schedule, updating personal information, paying for classes, and more.
Texting: | (509) 596-0274 |
Page: | ctcLink for Students |
Starting Winter Quarter 2025 students will find information about the course materials needed for their classes through the CTCLink course schedule.
Website: | Course Materials |
Email: | |
Operating hours are subject to change, based on staffing, and, additionally, will be updated quarterly.
If there is an athletic event happening on campus on any day, the facility will close at Noon on that day.
Questions | |
The William C. Bonaudi Library provides quiet study space, a large and growing collection of books multiple online resources, and other library services. For library hours CLICK HERE.
Email: | |
Phone: | (509) 793-2350 |
Live Chat: | Library Live Chat |
Website: | |
Email: | |
Phone: | (509) 793-2023 |
Page: | Campus Tours & Outreach |
The Residence Halls provide affordable on-campus housing with an emphasis on safety, hygiene, student comfort, and the support of academic achievement and success.
Email: | |
Phone: | (509) 793-2291 |
Page: | Residence Halls |
The Testing Center offers a variety of exam opportunities in a secure and quiet environment for both students and the community.
Email: | |
Phone: | (509) 793-2064 |
Page: | Testing Center webpage |
Fill out a form to request textbooks, laptops (including other tech equipment), calculators, print requests, and more! To find out the times textbook and laptop checkout is available, CLICK HERE.
Request Form: | Library Textbook/Laptop Checkout Form |
Support and resources for first generation, low income, and/or students with disabilities to attain their educational goals, graduate and/or transfer to an institute of higher education.
Email: | |
Phone: | (509) 793-2040 |
Page: | TRIO SSS |
Support and resources for veteran students at Big Bend.
Mail: | |
Phone: | (509) 793-2452 |
Page: | Veteran Services |
Food and personal care resources and support for all students and employees.
Email: | |
Phone: | (509) 793-2057 |
Request Form: | Food Order/Pickup |
Page: | Viking Food Pantry |
Purchase Viking clothing and merchandise!
Website: | Big Bend Community College Sideline Store |
eTutoring is a free online service that provides homework assistance. Big Bend Students can use eTutoring to connect with tutors from across the country, who can offer advice on writing assignments and other subject areas.
Email: | |
Page: | eTutoring |
Instructional support for students at all levels of math, science, and engineering courses.
Email: | |
Phone: | (509) 793-2306 |
Tutoring: | Tutor Schedule Here |
Page: | STEM Center |
Students can review writing assignments with a tutor for any of their classes, including help with APA, MLA, and CMS documentation. Help with scholarship applications and resumes is also available.
Page: | Writing Center |
If our eTutoring, Writing Center or STEM center do not offer the assistance you need, please contact Accomodation and Accessibility Services and we will work to find tutors that can!
Email: | |
Phone: | (509) 793-2027 |
Page: | Tutoring |
Resources and support regarding paying tuition, payment plans, and more.
Email: | |
Phone: | (509) 793-2018 |
Online Payment: | |
Support and resources related to financial aid.
Email: | |
Phone: | (509) 793-2088 |
Page: | Financial Aid |
Jobs for current students who are registered for more than 5 credits.
Page: | Student Employment Opportunities |
Work Study Page: | Work Study |
Contact phone: | (509) 793-2453 |
Contact email: | |
Assistance for students in workforce education programs, transfer degrees, and basic education with support services such as tuition and fees, books and tools, emergency assistance, and case management.
Email: | |
Phone: | (509) 793-2310 |
Page: | Workforce Education Services |
A comprehensive guide that has contact information for all things Big Bend, as well as contact information and links to Emergency & Crisis Services, Disability Services, medical and dental services, clothing and food resources, and many other community resources that can be useful to members of the Big Bend Community.
Resource Guide: | Where Do I Go for Help? |
During fall, winter, and spring quarters your peers will share with you a weekly Tuesday Tip! These quick video tips are designed to help you stay informed about important resources and information related to BBCC!
Tuesday Tips Playlist: | CLICK HERE! |
Here you will find the process for students to initiate an academic complaint and the process for instructors to address academic dishonesty
Webpage: | CLICK HERE! |