STEM Area of Interest

 Below are the programs related to Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) along with some key points about each of them.  To learn more about a specific program, click the program title or program image below.

  • Select from an industry supported entry-level degree (non-transfer) or a transfer pathway
  • Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree (non-transfer)
  • Option to transfer upon completion of Associate of Applied Science – Transfer (AAS-T) degree with Articulation Agreements that are aligned with WSU in the areas of Ag & Food Business Economics, Ag Technology & Production Management, Field Crop Management
  • Choose from intro courses and explore an exciting lab science or from a year-long biology majors series to prepare for a university STEM program (Biology, Science Ed, Pre-Med, etc.)
  • Offers an Associate of Science Transfer (AS-T) degree in Pre-Biology
  • Biology courses/series may also be taken to satisfy multiple areas of the Associate of Arts & Science with Direct Transfer Agreement (AA&S-DTA) degree
  • Choose from a non-lab course, intro courses or a year-long chemistry majors series to prepare for a university STEM program (Chemistry, Biology, Science Ed, Pre-Med, Engineering, etc.)
  • Offers an Associate of Science Transfer (AS-T) degree in Pre-Chemistry
  • Chemistry courses/series may also be taken to satisfy multiple areas of the Associate of Arts & Science with Direct Transfer Agreement (AA&S-DTA) degree
  • Select from an industry supported entry-level degree (non-transfer) or a transfer pathway 
  • Offers degree opportunities for direct employment in local data centers or IT departments in the public or private sector
  • Transfer degrees offer BBCC graduates junior standing at universities in the areas of Computer Engineering and Computer Science programs (Major Related Program degrees)
  • Prepares students for junior standing in most engineering programs when transferring to a university
  • Associate of Science – Major Related Related Program (AS-T MRP) degrees in Pre-Engineering
  • Select from Mechanical/Civil/Aeronautical/Material Science Engineering (AS-T MRP OTRE) or Electrical/Computer Engineering (AS-T MRP CEE)
  • Provides instruction in four models: traditional lecture, online, hybrid and inverted (Emporium Math Lab)
  • Offers courses in transitional math to college-level (fundamentals, intro to algebra and intermediate algebra), pre-calculus, four courses in calculus, linear algebra, differential equations statistics, math for elementary education, and math in society
  • Math courses/series may also be taken to satisfy multiple areas of the Associate of Arts & Science with Direct Transfer Agreement (AA&S-DTA) degree (SQR, Math/Science, Specified and General Electives)
  • Prepares students for employment in automated manufacturing or to transfer into various STEM programs including Computer Science, Engineering Technology, and Manufacturing Technology
  • Provides students the opportunity to explore the relationship between the cosmos, math and natural science
  • Required for many STEM careers including Pre-Medicine, Engineering and Science Education 
  • Courses offered at two levels of math: algebra-based and calculus-based (100 level and 200 level)
  • Offers an Associate of Science Transfer (AS-T) degree in Pre-Physics

This BAS degree builds upon BBCC’s current Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degrees. The program provides customized high-demand management skills courses geared toward the needs of various industry sectors in the local economy. Perfect for working adults who need more flexibility in their schedules have a job or family responsibilities. Prepares students to move into managerial positions that require a bachelor’s degree or to start their own business