MOSES LAKE — The Big Bend Community College STEM Center has moved tutoring online for Spring Quarter, providing students access to virtual help with their math and science classes.
STEM Center tutors will use Zoom, a remote video conferencing service, to work with their peers this quarter. Zoom software is free to download and can be used on a computer, tablet or smartphone.
Tutoring will be available in shifts throughout the day Monday through Friday. Help is available for a variety of Biology, Chemistry, Statistics, and Math courses, among others.
To get help from a tutor, students will need to visit the STEM Center Online Tutoring webpage. Once on the Online Tutoring page, students will find a current tutoring schedule as well as instructions for joining a specific session.
For more information, visit the STEM Center webpage or contact BBCC STEM Center coordinator Christy Kunkel at
***For a complete list of services and how Big Bend will provide them, please CLICK HERE. For the most up-to-date information about COVID-19 and how it is affecting the Big Bend Community College campus visit our website CLICK HERE.