BBCC Phi Theta Kappa to host virtual study group

Phi Theta Kappa Poster

MOSES LAKE —Big Bend Community College Phi Theta Kappa members are hosting their first ever virtual study group this week as a way to re-connect with their peers and help them get through some of their tougher classes this quarter.

The virtual study group will take place this Friday (May 22), from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. on Zoom, a remote video conferencing service. Zoom software is free to download and can be used on a computer, tablet or smartphone.

Students do not have to be PTK members to participate.

“This is open to all students, and we would love to encourage any and all of them to attend,” said BBCC Phi Theta Kappa advisor Octaviano Gutierrez. “A number of PTK members are interested in helping their peers by touching base with them and offering advice and study tips, especially if they’ve taken the class before or are in a similar class.”

Students will have time to socialize with each other, ask questions specific to their classes and get personalized help and encouragement from their peers and PTK members.

Attendees will also have a chance to win one of the club’s door prizes, which include an Amazon or Starbucks gift card. 

For more information, or for a direct link to the Zoom meeting, email

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