
Check out the Extra Home Work Links.  You will find more problems like your homework, with the solutions!  Hey what a deal.

Extra Homework 1-4 Extra Homework 5-6 Extra Homework 7-9

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Study Guide for Test 2 Here

If your looking for your glider data, check the glider trials.



LESSON 1 Introduction: Math review

LESSON 2 Chapter 1 Basic Physics terms and concepts ANA Chapter 1

LESSON 3 Chapter 2 Air Flow and Airspeed Measurements ANA Chapter 1

LESSON 4 Chapter 3 Aerodynamic Forces on Airfoils ANA Chapter 1

LESSON 5 Chapter 4 Lift and Stall ANA Chapter 1

LESSON 6 Chapter 5 Drag ANA Chapter 1

Review and test #1

LESSON 7 Chapter 6 Basic Jet Performance ANA Chapter 2

LESSON 8 Chapter 7 Applied Jet Performance ANA Chapter 2

LESSON 9 Jet Engines

LESSON 10 Chapter 8 Prop Aircraft Basic Performance ANA Chapter 2

LESSON 11 Chapter 9 Prop Aircraft Applied Performance ANA Chapter 2 *Glider Fact Sheet Due*

Review and test #2

LESSON 12 Chapter 11 Low Speed Flight ANA Chapter 2

LESSON 13 Chapter 12 Takeoff Performance ANA Chapter 2

LESSON 14 Chapter 13 Landing Performance ANA Chapter 2

LESSON 15 Chapter 14 Maneuvering Performance ANA Chapter 2 176-178 and Chapter 5

Gone Fishing, Memorial Day!

LESSON 16 Chapter 15 Longitudinal Stability and Control ANA Chapter 4

LESSON 17 Chapter 16 Directional and Lateral Stability and Control ANA Chapter 4

LESSON 18 Chapter 17 High Speed Flight & Gliderfest ANA Chapter 3

Review and Final test