At Big Bend we are equipping our students with the tools to conquer math and accept the challenge of higher-level math when they move on to four-year programs. Our Math Faculty offer a variety of learning tools, including on-line training available from anywhere.
Pre-College Math
These are a collection of links to YouTube videos providing pre-college math content. Each video corresponds to a page in the Emporium course workbooks (available for download below). The name of the instructor who recorded the video is included in each title. Some videos have been recorded by more than one instructor to provide diversity of instructional strategies.
MATH 094 Course Workbook (7th Ed.)
College-Level Math
This section includes resources associated with college-level math courses including pre-calculus, calculus, statistics and math in society. Any material listed in this area is open-source and available to students or the public at no cost. These materials are available for download, print them at your personal expense or purchase them pre-printed from the BBCC Bookstore.
MATH 141 & 142 Textbook (4th Ed.)
Math 146 (Statistics) Textbook
For more textbooks and videos, check out Dr. Tyler Wallace’s Math Library
Additional Resources