ctcLink for Staff

Employee Self-Service Tutorials and Help Resources

On October 27, 2021, Big Bend will move to a new system for student and employee self-service. This new system, called ctcLink, will change the way you do all your college business. This web page was designed to help guide employees in completing some essential tasks based on your role and department. These resources will help you answer the questions that start with: “How will I…?”

Click on the accordion box under the appropriate category for step-by-step instructions. Note: we will continue to add and refine information as it is developed. Check back often as you need help.

Activate My Account

Instructions can be found here: Activating Your ctcLink Account

Employee Information

Employee Time and Leave Reporting

Manager Self-Service

  • Approve Timesheets
    Managers need to approve timesheets (aka payable time) for their classified, hourly, and student employees. Hourly and student employees are only paid for time reported through ctcLink.

    Pay Period   

    Normal Pay Date  

    Timesheet Deadline

    1st to 15th of month 

    25th day of month 

    16th day of month

    16th to end of month         

    10th day of month              

    1st day of month                


    • Timesheets for a pay period can be submitted and approved multiple times if changes need to be made.
    • HR encourages hourly and student employees to submit their time worked each day. Managers can approve time as it is submitted or weekly, and do not need to wait until the end of the pay period to approve.

    Step-by-Step Directions: Approve Payable Time (Fluid)
    Related Training Courses: MS100 HCM Manager Self-Service (enroll here)

  • Approve Leave Requests
    Managers need to approve employee leave requests. Unapproved leave requests will not be debited from the employees leave balance.
    Step-by-Step Directions: Approve Absence Request (Fluid)
    Related Training Courses: MS100 HCM Manager Self-Service (enroll here)

  • Change and Update Employee Work Schedule
    Managers are able to change the assigned work schedule for an employee they supervise. This is an important task because employees can only report absences and leave for days included in their assigned work schedule.
    Step-by-Step Directions: Assign Work Schedule (Fluid)
    Related Training Courses: MS100 HCM Manager Self-Service (enroll here)

Finance, Accounting, and Purchasing

  • Create a Purchase Requisition
    ctcLink includes a built-in process for creating a purchase requisition and routing it for approval.
    How to Guide: Purchase Requisition
    Related Training Courses: PU100 Purchasing: Requisitions, PU101 Purchasing: Purchase Orders,  PU102 Purchasing: Receipts and Maintenance,  PU103 Purchasing: P-Card (enroll here)

  • Create a Travel Authorization
    This business process is not changing immediately. ctcLink includes a travel authorization and approval process, however Big Bend is not implementing this process until early 2022. If you need to travel on college business, please contact the Business Office.

  • Understand My Budget Coding in ctcLink
    As part of the move to ctcLink, budget Coding will change. The Business Office will still have access to historical information through FMSQuery. Use the Crosswalk Tool to see your new budget coding in ctcLink.  As you have additional questions, please reach out to the Business Office.

Student Services

  • How are courses, programs, and students coded in PeopleSoft/ctcLink?
    There are state-wide guidelines for how different course, programs, and students are coded within ctcLink. These are documented in SBCTC’s Student and Course Coding Manual. Within each area, the manual describes how they are coded in the Legacy Student Management System (SMS), as well as how they should be coded in PeopleSoft.
  • Run a Report (What’s happening with Data Express?)
    ctcLink includes two built-in reporting tools for staff: PS Query and BI Publisher. Both tools have a statewide library of queries, and most users are not able to edit or create their own queries. Many staff who are using ctcLink will need to run reports from the statewide report library, however the ability to run reports is based on pillar-specific security permissions.


    Related Training Courses:

    • PS Query Reporting Canvas Course (End-user course for using queries; not developing them)
    • PS Pivot Grid Viewer Course (End-user course for using Pivot Grid Viewer; not developing Pivot Grids)
  • Customize My ctcLink Screens and Go Faster
    In ctcLink, employees can set user defaults that speed up both navigation and data entry.
    Quick Tips Guide: Tips and Tricks – How to customize and get it done faster
    Step-by-Step Directions: