Accessible Technology Team

The Accessible Technology Team (ATT) was created to create and foster a culture of understanding about accessibility across campus and incorporate regulatory compliance requirements into the college’s technology and processes. Membership includes representation from faculty, academic administration, student services, BBT, eLearning, Communications, the business office, and student representation as available.  The ATT meets at least once each term.

Each member of the ATT is trained to assist you with creating accessible documents, fixing inaccessible documents and answering accessibility-related questions. Thank you for your willingness to create and maintain an accessible classroom/workspace!

Daneen Berry-Guerin, Dean of Workforce Education

Tiffany Fondren, Communications Coordinator 

Aaron Glenn, Accommodation and Accessibility Services Coordinator

Geri Hopkins, eLearning Coordinator

Zach Olson, Developmental English Instructor

Dustin Regul, Art Instructor

Jeni Richline, Instructional Design Specialist

Linda Schoonmaker, Vice President for Finance and Administration 

Brandy Searcy, IT Specialist 

Patrick Steele, Director of Information Technology