Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Satisfactory Academic Progress

Financial aid programs are designed to help students successfully complete their degree or certificate programs in a timely manner. Federal and state financial aid regulations require schools to set minimum standards for Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP).

Students must maintain SAP to be awarded—and to continue receiving financial aid. SAP is monitored every quarter after grades are posted. Guidelines require that we count all classes, even if a student was not receiving financial aid at the time they were enrolled (i.e. Running Start).

Please feel free to contact the Financial Aid Office with any questions.

General SAP Requirements

Students must meet the following 4 requirements to receive and maintain financial aid:

  1. Credits: complete the minimum number credits for their current quarter’s enrollment level.
  2. Grade Point Average: maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA
  3. Pace of Progression: complete at least 67% of attempted courses
  4. Maximum Time Frame: complete the certificate/degree program within 150% of credits required

Students who do not meet the requirements above will be placed on financial aid warning or suspension.

Credits Evaluated in SAP

Credits evaluated in SAP include:
  • all developmental (courses below 100 level, not including DVS, OPD, or HS21+ courses)
  • college-level coursework that appear on the BBCC transcript.
  • transfer credits
  • College in the High School (CiHS) courses
  • Running Start courses
  • repeated courses
  • failed courses (0.0 or F)
  • audited courses (N)
  • incomplete courses (I)*
  • and withdrawals (W)
*Once the incomplete course is updated with a grade, the quarterly and cumulative GPA is updated. Please check in with the Financial Aid office to re-evaluate your SAP status if you were previously placed in warning or suspension due to an Incomplete grade.

CREDITS (Quantitative Standard)

To remain in good standing for financial aid, the student must complete the minimum credits listed in the table below. It shows the required credits and financial aid status based on enrollment level as of Census Day.

Enrollment by Census Day Minimum Required For Good Standing Financial Aid Warning Financial Aid Suspension
12 or more credits/Full time 12 credits 6-11 credits Less than 6 credits
11 credits/Three quarter time 11 credits 6-10 credits Less than 6 credits
10 credits/Three quarter time 10 credits 5-9 credits Less than 5 credits
9 credits/Three quarter time 9 credits 5-8 credits Less than 5 credits
8 credits/Half time 8 credits 4-7 credits Less than 4 credits
7 credits/Half time 7 credits 4-6 credits Less than 4 credits
6 credits/Half time 6 credits 3-5 credits Less than 3 credits
1-5 credits/Less than Half Time All funded credits No warning status Less than all credits

All attempted credits are included in the evaluation of SAP to determine completed credits.
Credits with the following are included and not considered successfully completed credits:

  • Incomplete (I)
  • Fail (F)
  • Audit (N)
  • Withdrawal (W)
  • 0.0 grades

GRADE POINT AVERAGE (Qualitative Standard)

Students must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0. The most recent grade for a repeated course is used to determine GPA (limit one graded repeat per course).

Students enrolled in a program with more than 90 required credits, must have a cumulative GPA of a 2.0 at the end of their second academic year (90 credits).


Students must complete at least 67% of the credits that they attempt. Credits for a class are considered “not completed” if you receive any of the following grades for that class:

  • F: failing
  • W: withdrawal
  • N: audit
  • I: incomplete

How to Calculate Your Progress Percentage
To figure out your progress percentage:

  1. Divide the # of credits successfully completed / total attempted credits.
  2. Multiply by 100 to get your progress percentage.

For example: if you have taken 45 credits total and you failed two 5-credit classes, then you have completed 35 out of 45 credits and your progress percentage is .78, or 78%.


  • Students can receive federal and state financial aid funding for up to 150% of the credits required to complete the degree or certificate program. For Example, if a program is 90 credits, financial aid can be used for up to 135 credits (90cr. x 1.5 = 135cr). Additionally, State aid is available for a maximum of 5 years for a student attending full-time; Federal is available for a maximum of 6 years.
    • Check the maximum number of credits allowed for your program HERE.
  • Once Maximum Timeframe is reached, financial aid is suspended. To appeal, please work with your academic advisor and complete the SAP Maximum Timeframe Appeal to re-instate financial aid funding. NOTE: financial aid is only available for courses that are required for your BBCC program. Repeating classes will result in reaching the maximum timeframe more quickly.
  • 45 developmental credits (from courses below the 100 level) are excluded from the cumulative credits attempted.
  • Financial Aid typically covers one associate and Bachelor-level degree.
    • Students who already have completed an associate degree at BBCC, must appeal to receive financial aid for a second associate degree.
    • Students with a completed DTA (transfer) degree, will not be approved for a second transfer degree (exception for Nursing Transfer Degree).
    • Once a BA has been received, you are no longer eligible for grant aid.


Students who meet one of the following will be put on warning status:
  1. Complete at least one half, but less than the credits they were awarded for, based on enrollment level as of census day (see Quantitative Standard Table).
  2. Falls below the 67% pace of progression
  3. Falls below a 2.0 cumulative GPA
Students placed on Financial Aid Warning may receive financial aid for one more quarter. Failure to meet all of the SAP Requirements during the next quarter will result in Financial Aid Suspension for future quarters.
If you’re on Financial Aid Warning and meet all SAP requirements at the end of the next quarter, you’ll be back in good standing for the next quarter.


Financial aid suspension for future quarters will occur when:
  1. A student in Warning status does not meet all SAP requirements at the end of the quarter.
  2. A student in Probation status does not meet all SAP requirements at the end of the quarter.
  3. If on a financial aid academic plan, a student does not meet the requirements of their approved and signed academic plan.
  4. A student fails to complete at least 50% of their credits based on their awarded enrollment level. See Credits Quantitative Standard.
  5. A student officially or unofficially withdraws from all classes. Students who withdraw may owe some or all of their financial aid back to the financial aid program based on last date of attendance.
  6. A student meets the 150%, maximum timeframe for their program for federal aid.
  7. It’s been determined that a student can not complete their degree within the Maximum Time Frame.  
  8. A student who has completed one associate degree at BBCC and attends for another.
  9. A student who has completed a Bachelor’s degree.
Students, whose aid has been suspended, are not eligible for future financial aid without pursuing options for reinstatement. See Regaining Eligibility for Financial Aid.


If a student’s Appeal is approved, the student will be placed on Financial Aid Probation and eligibility for aid will be reinstated. During Probation status, the student must meet the following requirements the next quarter:
  • credit completion
  • pace of progression
  • cumulative GPA
If it’s decided during the appeals process the student will need more than one quarter to meet the SAP requirements, they’ll be required to follow a Financial Aid Academic Plan. The Financial Aid Academic Plan outlines the rules that must be followed to meet SAP requirements by a specific time. This will be a condition of the Probation. 
Those who don’t meet the Probation requirements and/or rules of the Financial Aid Academic Plan, will be put on suspension and lose eligibility for financial aid for future quarters.


If you lose financial aid because you have not met SAP standards, then you can regain your financial aid two ways: by appealing or meeting SAP standards on your own.

  1. Appeal for Financial Aid Reinstatement:
    • Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeal:
      Suspended students can submit an appeal if they failed to make SAP due to extraordinary circumstances. All students are limited to three (3) SAP Appeals.
    • Financial Aid Maximum Timeframe Appeal:
      Suspended students can submit an appeal if they meet or exceed the credit maximums for their program; if they’ve completed an associate degree at BBCC and plan on attending for another; or have completed a Bachelor’s degree. All students are limited to three (3) Financial Aid Maximum Timeframe Appeals.
      • You can appeal the suspension to explain your circumstances and program intent. You will need to provide an Academic Plan that you have reviewed with your advisor. The plan needs to show the required courses that are needed to finish the program and when you plan to finish them. If approved, your eligibility for aid will be calculate and limited to the remaining required courses for your program. Changes to the courses on your Academic Plan will need to be approved by your advisor and the financial aid office. Failure to get approval for course changes will result in financial aid suspension. If students on an Academic Plan do not meet SAP requirements in any given quarter, financial aid will be cancelled.
  2. Earn Reinstatement of Financial Aid on your own:
    Students may be eligible for financial aid by meeting their SAP requirements without federal and/or state financial aid assistance (i.e. paying out-of-pocket).
    Please contact the financial aid office after you have successfully met the SAP requirements and we will re-evaluate your eligibility. NOTE: There is no way to reinstate if in Maximum Timeframe; please submit an appeal.


If you are no longer eligible for financial aid but plan to continue attending, please contact the Financial Aid office for other funding options.