MOSES LAKE — There is still time to register for summer classes at Big Bend Community College.
Summer quarter offers an opportunity for anyone to take a course – whether you’re a current student looking to get ahead in your program or a working professional or member of the community wanting to hone your job skills or explore a personal interest.
Many courses still have open slots, including algebra, art or music appreciation, intro to criminal justice and more.
Summer instruction runs from July 1 to August 9. Students can register up until the first day of classes. After July 1, and up until July 3, students can only register with instructor permission.
Tuition and fees will be due at the time of registration.
Some students can also take advantage of the recent reinstatement of year-round Pell grants.
With year-round Pell, students can now receive additional Pell grant awards in a given year – up to an additional 50 percent of the maximum award. The grant maximum is currently $6,195. Students need to register for at least six eligible credits to receive the additional award.
The Pell grant is a federal grant program for undergraduate students. The amount of the grant is determined by the estimated family contribution, and the number of credits a student is registered for. Grants do not need to be repaid as long as Satisfactory Academic Progress is maintained.
Prior to year-round Pell, students would have to choose between taking the summer quarter off or finding alternative ways of paying summer tuition. Year-round Pell will ultimately help recipients complete their degrees faster.
For more information, to register or search for classes, visit or call Student Administrative Support Services at (509) 793-2061.