Please join us in congratulating Randy Fish. His nomination as 2016 Outstanding Employee at BBCC was forwarded to the STTACC Board for consideration of the 2016 Exemplary Staff Award. Statewide there are many deserving of this award, but only one per region. Region D consists of BBCC, Columbia Basin, Spokane, Walla Walla, Wenatchee and Yakima community colleges.
Nominations are scored on the following: 1) going above and beyond their job duties, 2) fostering positive work relationships with the college community, 3) contributing to professional development at a college/institution, and 4) any other information that will add points to the scoring.
The STTACC Board announced on Tuesday, that Randy is indeed the winner for Region D. Randy joins others at BBCC who are also recipients of this award. Barbara Collins, 2006; Kathy Aldrich, 2012; Robin Arriaga, 2015.
We are proud that Randy has an important role on our campus. Award presentations to recipients is included on the agenda for the 2016 STTACC conference in August at Lake Washington Technical College. If you see Randy on campus, be sure to tell him congratulations!