New Hope shares sexual assault awareness display at Big Bend

In honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Big Bend Community College has partnered with New Hope Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Services to bring The Clothesline Project to campus.

The Clothesline Project is a visual display that bears witness to the violence against women.  A clothesline is hung with t-shirts, each decorated to represent a particular woman’s experience, by the survivor herself or by someone who cares about her.

The purpose of the project is four-fold:

  1. To bear witness to the survivors as well as the victims of the war against women.
  2. To help with the healing process for people who have lost a loved one or are the survivors of this violence.
  3. To educate, document, and raise society’s awareness of the extent of the problem of violence against women.
  4. To provide a nationwide network of support, encouragement, and information of other communities starting their own Clothesline Project.

The display will be available for viewing in the Student Success Center throughout the month of April. Please take a few moments of your time to view the t-shirts on the clothesline and learn more about violence against women, consent, facts about sexual assault, healthy conversations with kids, and the prevention of sexual assault.   

Your voice has power.  Believe survivors. End victim blaming. Ask for consent.  Respect Boundaries.