Microsoft Office software free for BBCC students

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MOSES LAKE —Big Bend Community College students can make the most of the upcoming academic year with a subscription to Microsoft Office 365- which the college offers to all enrolled students at no cost.

With Office 365, students get access to the latest version of Word, PowerPoint, Excel and OneNote, among other Office applications, as well as unlimited cloud-based storage through OneDrive. Students can use the software to take notes during class, complete assignments and collaborate with other students on group projects.

“This is a great resource for students to be successful in their classes,” said Vice President of Learning and Student Success, Dr. Bryce Humpherys. 

Students can install Office 365 on up to 5  PC’s, Macs or tablets, with the ability to access Office mobile applications on iPhone or Android phones. Setup is simple, and is done through a self-service sign up process on the Office 365 website.

To sign up, students will need to enter their BBCC email address at The site will then allow students to download Microsoft Office to their computer.

Through its license with Microsoft, the college also provides free Microsoft 365 to current employees.

For more information, visit the Big Bend Office 365 website HERE!