Big Bend promotes summer reading with book donation

families receiving book donations

MOSES LAKE — Big Bend Community College student-athletes recently helped deliver 1,000 books to students at Larson Heights and North Elementary Schools in Moses Lake. The delivery was part of the “Disney Magic of Storytelling” program, and a partnership between the college, Disney and First Book.

Through the program, each student is able to take a book home free.

Larson Heights Elementary School Instructional Coach Elizabeth Salmeron said this encourages students to read over the summer. She said sometimes students and their families have a hard time getting to the public library on a regular basis because of how far away it is.

And if students don’t get to the library, and they don’t have books at home, then they’re less likely to read over summer vacation.

“We’re privileged to have the opportunity to team up with Big Bend and to order books for all of our kids,” said Salmeron. “Having our students be able to take a book with them that they’re going to be able to read over the summer is such a wonderful opportunity. And the kids love it.”

Larson Heights principal Diana McFaul said students were excited about receiving a brand new book of their very own.

“Some of our younger students asked when the books had to go back,” she said. “When they were told they could keep the book and take it home, they jumped for joy.”

This is the second year that Big Bend has sponsored the two elementary schools that closely border the campus, and Director of Communications Matt Killebrew said he hopes that the program continues.

“I’m not sure who gets more excited,” said Killebrew, “our athletes handing the books out, or the kids receiving the books. We have such a great time getting to come and interact with the kids at North and Larson Elementary schools and are really thankful to be able to provide them with a book of their own to read over the summer.”

For more photos, visit the Big Bend Community College Facebook album HERE!