Rho Zeta Chapter members of honors society Phi Theta Kappa show off some of the awards they received when they attended a regional conference in Seattle March 21. Left to right: Jalen Garza, Zhane Serrano, David Swenson, Melinda Dourte, Isaac Garcia, Barb Whitney (faculty advisor), and April Suarez. A chapter participant and the advisor of Big Bend Community College’s Phi Theta Kappa chapter, and a chapter member, brought home top regional honors after the regional conference in Seattle.
Barbara Whitney, BBCC math instructor and advisor for the school’s Rho Zeta chapter, received first place for advisors.
Rho Zeta participant Melinda Dourte brought home first place in the “distinguished chapter member” category.
Phi Theta Kappa is the international academic honor society for community and technical colleges. The regional conference was held in late March.