MOSES LAKE — The Big Bend Community College Simulation Technology program recently added two new state-of-the-art manikins, the Gaumard Super Tory and the Laerdal SimMom, to its lineup of simulators.
The program now has a total of five different high-fidelity manikins for students to train with. Each one can be programmed to represent patients in various stages of life, and the new Super Tory newborn and SimMom birthing simulators round out the program’s current set of adult patient manikins.
“It’s really beneficial to our students to get to see and work on different types and brands of simulators,” said BBCC Simulation Technology Coordinator Dana Borschowa. “Their workplaces will all be different, so we want them to have a wide knowledge base.”
The Simulation Technology program prepares students for entry-level employment in simulation centers and laboratories, where they’ll run realistic simulation scenarios for healthcare providers, first responders and even military personnel.
Training with the new manikins will be especially helpful for students who will end up working with healthcare providers and hospitals.
“The Super Tory can simulate a male or female newborn. It can be programmed to breathe, cry, move its arms and legs and even have seizures,” said Borschowa. “You can also perform CPR and insert IV’s, it’s very realistic.”
The Laerdal SimMom also provides realistic training. Students can learn to run scenarios for a variety of high-risk birthing incidents including breech delivery and shoulder dystocia.
Borschowa said the demand for specialized simulators and scenarios has been growing and led to the purchase of the newborn and birthing manikins. The program also hopes to add a pediatric manikin in the future.
Simulation Technology students will begin working with the new manikins this quarter.