Physics Associate in Science Degree

The purpose of the degree is to allow the student who plans to complete a bachelor of science degree in physics the opportunity to make substantial progress toward fulfilling major requirements while completing at least half of the requirements in studies such as English, the humanities, and the social sciences.  Ideally, the student holding the AS degree would have approximately three years of full-time study remaining at the baccalaureate institution (this reflects the nature of many bachelor of science degrees, which require extensive study and frequently take five years or more to complete).  If any pre-college study is required (generally, courses numbered below 100), additional time will be required.

The degree is accepted by many baccalaureate institutions in the state of Washington.  The degree does not guarantee that any major requirements will be fulfilled.  While BBCC faculty advisors consult with the student to help them plan effectively, the ultimate responsibility to plan rests with the student.  The college recommends that the student identify one or two potential transfer institutions and then contact qualified program advisors at those institutions as early as possible to obtain specific, course-by-course advice.  Throughout one’s enrollment at BBCC, the program advisors at the baccalaureate institutions should be consulted.  A BBCC advisor or the office of admissions at the transfer institution can help the student to contact those advisors.

The list given below is a possible plan for a student interested in earning the  Associate in Science-Transfer Degree with the intention of majoring in physics at a college or university. This list may need to be modified depending on the requirements of the student’s intended college or university.

English Composition—5 Credits    
ENGL& 101, ENGL& 102, or ENGL 201

Mathematics—10 Credits
MATH& 151 and MATH&152

Humanities and Social Science—15 Credits
Minimum of 5 credits in humanities, 5 credits in social science, 15 credits total.

Pre-Major Program
PHYS& 221, 222, 223 (15 credits)
MATH& 163 (5 credits)

Specified Electives and General Electives
Recommended courses in this area include mathematics courses numbered above 100 (preferably courses beyond calculus, if available), the complete General Chemistry sequence (CHEM& 161, 162, and 163), and computer programming courses. The courses here must bring the transferable credits to a minimum of 90 credits. Credits in this area can include no more than 5 credits of general electives.

Physical Education/Health & Wellness—3 Credits