If you would like to utilize your VA Education Benefits, you must reach out to the BBCC School Certifying Official at (509) 793-2452 or VeteranServices@bigbend.edu.
For the first time here on campus, a Vet Corps Navigator is available to assist you with all your resource questions and concerns.
Whether you are a new or returning student, quality veteran assistance is easily accessible. Stop by Rm 1427 in Building 1400 for more information.
Here you will find:
Founded in 2009 by a Grant through Washington Department of Veterans Affairs and AmeriCorps.
The Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs (WDVA) was awarded $630,500 from the Washington Commission for National and Community Service to continue the Vet CORPS program. The Vet CORPS is an AmeriCorps program that began in 2009. Its focus is on helping veterans navigate Washington’s college and university campuses. Vet CORPS members act as on-campus guides for student veterans and provide practical advice and assistance to resources both on and off-campus.
Feel free to visit the Student Veteran course on Canvas at any time by going to http://tinyurl.com/BBCCvets