Gender Inclusive Housing

Gender Inclusive Housing

It is important that students feel welcomed and supported at Big Bend Community College. The Residence Halls created a floor that is gender inclusive and hope that it is helpful to students of all spectrums of gender identity, biological sex, sexual identity, and gender expression.

Our Viking Hall 1st floor has been designated as our Gender Inclusive Housing (GIH). Students are welcome to join this floor. While gender-inclusive housing is open to any student, we ask that only students that agree to support this Program apply/be assigned to this floor. Requesting to live on the Gender Inclusive Floor is available on our housing application.

To ensure that our housing process is equitable and inclusive for all residents, once housing applications are completed ResLife staff will work to ensure that students are paired with suitable roommates. Students can still select their roommates but must confirm that they are not in a romantic relationship with their requested roommate. By confirming this we will ensure that all students can live in a safe, healthy, and supportive environment.

Frequently asked questions about GIH

What are the different room types available for GIH?

Rooms are still set up to be double rooms, with a gender-inclusive bathroom in proximity.

Where are the Gender Inclusive bathrooms located?

There are two gender-inclusive bathrooms located on the floor.

Who can live in the GIH living experience?

This housing option is open to all students. The purpose of GIH is to be inclusive and supportive.

What if a student does not want to live within GIH?

To the extent possible, ResHalls will limit those students to GIH to those who apply to be in that housing option. There may be some situations where, due to the limited space, ResHalls is not able to limit the GIH to just those who apply. ResHalls will try to accommodate all the students needs in these limited circumstances and will work with each case on a case-by-case basis.

How are roommates chosen?

Roommates are still able to request one another. If no roommates are requested ResLife staff will work with the student and find a roommate who is mutually comfortable with the living arrangements.

How are room/roommate vacancy handled in the GIH?

Vacancies will be handled on a case-by-case basis given the needs of the students involved. ResLife will with students to identify potential new roommates who are mutually comfortable with living arrangements.

Will you publish information that is put on our application?

Big Bend Community College respects your privacy and recognizes that students might be especially concerned about privacy and confidentiality. Residence Life will consistently recognize and respect the gender identity that the student has established with us in good faith. Transgender students may self-identify to ResLife if they wish to receive housing assistance but are by no means obligated to do so. 

How do the bathrooms work?

Viking Hall first floor has two bathrooms that both are gender-inclusive bathrooms. This means that the bathroom will not be restricted to a specific gender. There are gender-specific bathrooms on the 2nd floor of Viking hall.

Unanswered questions?

If you have more questions or wish to discuss your interest or preferences please send an email to