A Parent Plus Loan can help pay for current or anticipated educational costs per academic year. Applications do have a cutoff date for the applicable quarter so please ensure you submit as timely as possible. You will need to complete the following steps for a PLUS Loan to be certified by BBCC:
Log in to Federal Student Aid with your FSA ID (Chrome or Firefox recommended) and hover over Loans and Grants.
Click on PLUS Loans: Grad PLUS and Parent PLUS to complete the application**
Then hover over Loans and Grants again to select Master Promissory note
Complete the Direct PLUS Loan Request for the academic year you wish to receive the loan and submit it to the BBCC Financial Aid Office.
Once all of the above items have been completed, BBCC will then certify your eligibility for a PLUS Loan. If you have any problems or questions, please call the BBCC Financial Aid Office at 509.793.2061.
**If you apply for a Direct PLUS Loan and are notified that you have an adverse credit history, you’ll be given detailed information from the Department of Education on the options for qualifying by obtaining an endorser or submitting documentation of extenuating circumstances, along with instructions on how to complete the required PLUS counseling.