BJJ Club Meeting Minutes

The minutes for each of the BBCC Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Club meetings are listed below:

December 27th, 2017

  • Wenatchee Wild Club – Saturday, 1/13/2017 
    • Joe, Jess, and Edward.
    • Joe will coordinate email with Kim Jackson to notify the other clubs.
  • Fundraising
    • Valentine’s Day Bake Sale- 2/14/2018
      • Joe & Jeremy will fill out paperwork today.
      • Jeremy will contact Sodexo to notify
    • Multi-Club Silent Auction
  • Health Service Project
    • Self-defense Seminar during Sexual Assault Awareness Month
  • Community Service Project
    • Animal Shelter – Jess to follow up and schedule on a Friday morning.

December 18th, 2017

  • New Student Orientation –  12/8/2017 from 7:30AM-12:30PM
    •  Went really well.
  • Wenatchee Wild Club – Saturday, 1/13/2018.
    • Joe, Jess, and Edward planning on attending.
    • Jeremy to talk to Kim about broadcasting to other clubs.
    • Joe to complete paperwork by 1/31/2018.
  • Fundraising
    • Valentine’s Day Bake Sale 
    • Multi-Club Silent Auction
  • Health Service Project
    • Possibly Homeless Person Count.
    • Edward to follow up.
  • Community Service Project
    • Animal Shelter – Jess to follow up.
  • Doodle Poll Mat Time for Winter Quarter – Jeremy
  • Transfer Club Resources:
    • Club Binder – Given to Jess.
    • Club Locker – Jeremy will see if the key can pass to an officer or if this has to go to an advisor.
    • Club Files – Will send to Luis.

December 1st, 2017

  • New Student Orientation –  12/8/2017 from 7:30AM-12:30PM
    • Jess and Joe will cover.
  • Wenatchee Wild Club – Saturday, 1/13/2017 
    • Joe, Jess, and Edward.
    • Jeremy will follow up, will hand off to Joe.
  • Fundraising
    • Valentine’s Day Bake Sale 
    • Multi-Club Silent Auction
  • Health Service Project
    • Possibly Homeless Person Count.
    • Edward to follow up.
  • Community Service Project
    • Animal Shelter – Jess to follow up.

October 4th, 2017

  • CT Motivational Speech & BJJ Seminar
    • We can store the mats somewhere in Masto ahead of the event.
    • Need people to help setup mats and possibly help move chairs.
      • Waiting on Deena Westerman to see if we can do the theater seating instead of tables and chairs for the Motivational Speech.
  • CT BJJ Seminar
    • Waiting to see if we can store the mats in Masto immediately following seminar.
    • Linda Chadwick said there’s no issues with students driving Caio to Cave B.
    • Linda C. is checking for reimbursement for mileage.

August 10, 2017

  • Caio Terra
  • Need to figure out the maximum people we can have on the mats drilling.
  • Need armbands to differentiate who is Instructors/Staff, Preregistered or Spectator ($3.50 / color, 100 ct. on ebay)
    • Edward will purchase the armbands
  • Tuesday, October 10th, 2017
    • 2-2:45PM Motivational Speech
    • 2:45-3PM Photos, etc.
      • Jeremy to ask Caio about signing photos.
    • 3-5PM Seminar
      • Do we want ½ Self-Defense and ½ BJJ, or ALL BJJ?
    • Preregistration
      • 25 Paid
        • 10 @ $25
        • 15 @ $50
      • 25 FREE for Staff/Student/Faculty
    • Spectators
      • $10 General Admission
      • FREE for Staff/Student/Faculty
      • Setup 2 rows of chairs on stage and opposite of stage.
    • NO SHOWS
      • Allow a spectator to upgrade for $15 more at 3:15, if Preregistered participant does not notify us that they will be late.
      • Who and how will a Preregistered participant Notify if they’re going to be late?
        • perhaps?
    • Notes/Videos – Notes are fine. Can take videos of themselves and Caio doesn’t mind correcting them while they record it.
    • Staffing
      • Possible Extra Credit for BJJ Class volunteers
      • Possible Volunteers from ASB???
    • Need to complete Event Documentation
      • All the regular event info.
      • Personal and Client Services Contract Worksheet.
      • Facilities Booking form.
    • ASB Funds
      • Need to get Kim an estimate of all costs/fees
    • Jess will coordinate the media for the event.
      • Start with a Press Release with Matt Killebrew.
    • Additional Items?
      • Shawn Gaspaire is tentatively coming back to Quincy BJJ for a seminar at the end of August.

May 2, 2017

  • Sometime in October, we will be planning on hosting Caio Terra for a Motivational Speech and BJJ Seminar.
  • We need to complete the S&A Budget Request form for 2016-2017.
  • May 15th, we will be having a community service project, delivering books to an Elementary School

March 28, 2017

  • Fundraising
    • Silent Auction – April 18th, 2017
      • Paperwork – Jeremy will complete and turn into Kim
      • Manning the table from 8AM-3PM
        • Jeremy can pickup any time that can’t be covered by officers/members.
      • Poster-board should be placed somewhere near the auction, so that anyone who has questions can easily be directed there.
      • Donations so far?
        • Jeremy
          • Cave B – One Night Stay
          • Scarf – Valerie Parton
          • Weinstein – 4 Rounds of Golf at the highlander Golf Club in East Wenatchee, WA
  • T-Shirts
    • Want officers to contribute their favorite quotes as they think how it applies to the club.
    • T-Shirts will have logo on the front and quotes on the back
    • Officers will get a choice of an athletic shirt printed with the Club Logo

February 7, 2017

  • Fundraising
    • Bake Sale – 2/14/2017
      • Everyone, please make or bring something:
        • Jeremy –
          • Bringing 4 Dozen No Bake Cookies
          • Paracord Rank Bracelets?
        • Fernando –
        • Joe –
        • Edward –
      • Manning the table from 10AM-1:30PM
        • Fernando & Edward can from 10AM-1:30PM
        • Joe can until 1:00PM
    • Silent Auction – 4/18/2017
      • Letter to potential donors
        • English – done.
        • Spanish – Fernando to translate the English version by Thursday 2/9/2017.
      • Start asking for donations Immediately, because Nursing Club is already hitting up ML for donations
  • Community Service
    • To be discussed next meeting
  • Need Stencils for Spray Painting Mats
    • “No Shoes on the Mats” on the ends of each of the rolls
    • “BBCC Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Club” for bottom of the mats
  • Other Announcements

January 10th, 2017

  • Club Logo update:
    • Joe to follow up with Kim to determine if Club funds can be used to professionally put the finishing touches on the logo
  • Fundraising
    • Phone Book Delivery
      • Need 7-8 extra people
      • Santos to follow up with Luis
    • Mime – Pay it forward???
    • Valentine’s Bake Sale (Tuesday, 2/14/2017)
      • Joe to complete and submit paperwork to Kim Jackson
  • Community Service
    • Homeless count?
  • Need Stencils for Spray Painting Mats
    • Fernando to research
    • “No Shoes on the Mats” on the ends of each of the rolls
    • “BBCC Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Club” for bottom of the mats
  • Other Announcements
    • Next Club Meeting is on Tuesday, 1/24/2017.

November 1st, 2016

  • Club Logo update
    • Incorporate BJJ Silhouettes on left and right of logo.
  • Upcoming Events
    • Thanksgiving Lunchfest – 11/8/2016 from 10:30AM-1PM
      • Info Table
      • Who can man the table?
        • Joe – 10:30AM-1PM
        • Jess – 10:30AM-12PM
        • Fernando – 10:30AM-1PM
      • Anything Else?
        • Poster-board
          • Assemble Poster-board Meeting on Thursday, 11/3/16 from 12-1PM at Student Success Center.
  • Other Announcements

September 20th, 2016

  • Pay if Forward Fundraiser – 10/26/2016
  • Mat Times
    • Wednesday @ 1-2PM
    • Doodle poll
      • Make sure CrimJ knows about it.
  • Mats
  • T-shirts
    • Finalize Logo
    • 10 meetings/mat times to get T-shirt for free
  • Introducing the BJJ Club to Ryann Leonard’s CJ101 class on Wednesday, 9/21 at 11:45 a.m.; meet at Jeremy’s office at about 11:30 a.m.

May 31st, 2016

  • S&A Funds Meeting recap
  • Last Spring 2016 mat time will be Thursday, June 2nd, 2016
  • Summer Mat time(s) – TBD
  • Other Announcements

May 5th, 2016

Attendees: Jess, Joe, Jeremy & Luis

  • Pay it Forward Fundraiser – Postponed to 10/25/2016
  • April Sexual Assault Awareness Month
  • S&A Presentation – Thursday, 5/19/2016 @ 3:10-3:20PM
  • T-Shirts
    • Logo—No progress made on the vector logo.

March 16th, 2016

Attendees: Jess, Joe, Jeremy, Luis, Mike, Alexis and Larry

  • Pay it Forward Fundraiser – March 31st, 2016 from 8 a.m. – 3 p.m.
    • Action Items
      • Advertising
        • Social Media – Jeremy (DONE)
          • Pay it forward fundraiser Pay it forward fundraiser Pay it forward fundraiser
        • Tabletop handouts – Jeremy
      • Materials
        • Signs for clowns to wear, stating, “Donate $1 to make me go away, $2 to tell me where to go next or $5 and you won’t have to see another clown for the rest of the day.” – Jeremy
        • Thank You cards – Jeremy
        • Immunity cards – Jeremy
        • Makeup – Jess
        • Wigs
        • Costumes
      • Anything else?
  • April Sexual Assault Awareness Month
    • Orchestrated by the Dance Fitness Club advisor, Heidi Gephart
    • Desire this to be a multi-club event
  • T-Shirts
    • Logo—No progress made on the vector logo.
  • Other Announcements
    • Need to doodle poll the Spring Quarter mat time – Jeremy
    • Oscar Garnica Judo Seminar at Quincy BJJ on Sat., 3/19 from 11AM-1PM.
    • Jame Foster Seminar at Imperial Jitz on Saturday, April 23, 2016 from 10AM-2PM.
    • Jeremy & Luis will be offering mat time during Spring Break on Tuesday and Thursday from 1-3PM.

February 3rd, 2016

Attendees: Jess, Joe, Jeremy, Luis, Jonathan, Larry and Fernando

  • Pay it Forward Fundraiser – March 31st, 2016 from 8 a.m. – 3 p.m.
    • Action Items
      • Advertising
      • Social Media – Jeremy
      • Tabletop handouts – Jeremy
    • Materials
      • Signs for clowns to wear, stating, “Donate $1 to make me go away, $2 to tell me where to go next or $5 and you won’t have to see another clown for the rest of the day.” – Jeremy
        • Thank You cards – Jeremy
        • Immunity cards – Jeremy
      • Makeup – Jess
      • Wigs
      • Costumes – Club members, please guys your own stuff and stay on the cheap side.
      • Accessories would be nice, like red noses, bike horns
      • Volunteers: Jess, Joe, Fernando, Jonathan & Larry
    • Anything else?
  • Men’s Basketball Halftime demonstration on Saturday, February 13th, 2016
    • Game starts at 4:00 PM. Be at the DeVries Center (Gym) by 4:30 p.m.
    • Demonstration of semi-choreographed techniques.
      • Practice, practice, practice
    • Need a short write-up to introduce the club members and explain the sport for the announcer to use.
  • April Sexual Assault Awareness Month
    • Orchestrated by the Dance Fitness Club advisor, Heidi Gephart
    • Desire this to be a multi-club event
    • Jess, Joe and Jeremy say, “Yes”
  • T-Shirts
    • Logo—No progress made on the vector logo.
    • The Belt should blend the BJJ colors, going from white, to blue, to purple, to brown to black.
  • Other Announcements
    • Mecha will be hosting a dance soon…support them and other BBCC Clubs.
    • Phone Book Delivery.

January 7th, 2016

Attendees: Jeremy Seda, Joe Velazques, Larry Vega, Jess Munter, Jonathan Lopez & Fernando Gonzalez

  • Mat time changing to Wednesdays @ 1 p.m.
  • Since Wednesday Mat time sessions will with bi-weekly meetings, those meetings will be abbreviated and follow the Mat time.
  • No additional Mat time days decided.
  • T-Shirts
    • Logo–No progress made on the vector logo.
  • Fundraising
    • “Pay it forward”
      • Instead of having a blow-up clown that will have to be moved from place-to-place, club members came up with the idea of dressing up like clowns, which solves a lot of logistic and communication issues.
      • Proposed hours: 7:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
  • Other Announcements:
    • Sensei Oscar Garnica will be paying Quincy Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu a visit for another Judo Seminar on 01/16/2016 from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. $20 suggested donation.

December 2nd, 2015

Attendees: Jeremy Seda, Jason Estrada, Joe Velazques, Larry Vega, Luis Alvarez, Jess Munter, Santos Gonzales

  • Monday’s cupcake fundraiser brought in $98 profit
  • In purchasing mats, it will be cheaper NOT to have them printed by Dollamur
    • Quincy High School has a process of printing durable, static cling sheets that can sit on top the mats and are very cost effective
    • We could also use vinyl-paint for a more permanent solution
  • Upcoming fundraising ideas
    • “Pay it Forward”
    • Paracord fundraiser
    • Valentine’s Day Cupcake sale

November 4th, 2015

  • Date/Time of 2nd Mat Time
    • What day/time: Monday, 7:30-8:30 a.m. (Gym opens at 7:30 a.m.)
    • If Jeremy cannot be there, who can be: ???
    • Signup Sheets need to be made and Jess has volunteered to be in charge of these
  • T-Shirts
    • Ideas for a Club Logo
      • Needs to be able to be printed B&W and color
      • Need to have proposed Logos by the next club meeting on 11/18/2015
  • Social Media Posting
    • Officers need to be setup with Facebook Access
    • Instagram: Jeremy will setup an account
    • Twitter: Jeremy will setup an account
    • Hootsuite will be used to administer the Facebook Page, Instagram and Twitter feed
  • Officer Nominations
    • Treasurer: Santos
  • Campus Safety Preparedness Training – November 6th, 2015 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
    • Mandatory for Officers
    • Overview of Self-defense training.
  • Other Announcements
    • Change frequency of meetings per month to two on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays @ 1:00 p.m.

October 19th, 2015

Attendees: Jason Estrada, Joe Velazques & Jeremy P. Seda

  • Would another day & time on the mats be good?
    • What day/time:
      Jeremy will send out a Doodle-Poll determining what times will work for people on Monday or Wednesday.
  • T-Shirts
    • We need to come up with a design for the BJJ Club that can be used to promote the club.
    • We can also use this to incentivize showing up to the club meetings (i.e., 10 or more meetings, and you get a T-Shirt)
  • Officer Nominations
    • We will open up the officer positions to be filled by nominations or volunteers
  • Campus Safety Preparedness Training – November 6th, 2015
    • Mandatory for Officers
  • Other Announcements
    • ASB Pool Tournament is this Wednesday at 12:00 p.m. at the ASB game room. There is a $5 entry fee.

May 26th, 2015

  • Self-defense seminars for other Clubs – 5/28/2015
    • Sent out post to social media today.
  • Finals Survival Packs Fundraiser (time-permitting)
    • Date: 6/10/15 – 6/11/2015; it was decided that 6/12/2015 would not be a day with much, if any fundraising going on
    • Paperwork submitted today
  • Other Announcements
    • No meeting next week.
    • What about doing once a week sessions, with potential ad hoc sessions?

May 19th, 2015

  • Election of Vacant Officer Positions?
    • Requirements:
      • Grades of a C or better
      • A leader on and off the mats
      • Required to be at all meeting or designate another officer to speak on their behalf
      • Make at least 1 practice a week
    • President –
    • Treasurer –
    • Secretary –
  • Self-defense seminars for other Clubs – 5/28/2015 from 1:30-3:30 p.m.
    • Jeremy will talk to Mike DeHoog about using the Conditioning area if it’s better suited for the self-defense seminar.
    • Jeremy will create the posters and social media for this event.
  • Finals Survival Packs Fundraiser (time-permitting)
    • Date: 6/10/2015 – 6/12/2015
    • Paperwork needs to be in by 5/26/2015 (Jeremy)
    • Rather than prepacking these, we should give people a bag and they can choose 1 item for several categories:
      • 1 Drink: (Think “Costco” or “Grocery Outlet”) Water+EmergenC, Juice, Frappuccinos or Rockstar
      • 1 Large Snack: (Think “Costco” or “Grocery Outlet”) Chips, Sandwich Crackers, Cookies
      • 2 Smaller Snacks: (Think “Costco” or “Grocery Outlet”) Fruit Snacks, Granola Bar, Trail Mix,
  • Other Announcements
    • The next meeting will be Tuesday, 5/26/15 @ 2:15 p.m. at the Student Success Center.
    • We didn’t get paperwork in on time to ASB Budget Request, so we missed the extra funding that could be received from ASB this year.

April 21st, 2015

  • Signup for notifications: Text to 81010 with the message @bbccbjj
    • BBCC Brazilian Jiu Jitsu club is now sending Remind notifications
  • Election of Vacant Officer Positions – Tabled to 05/05/2015 Meeting
    • President –
    • Treasurer –
    • Secretary –
    • Requirements:
      • Grades of a C or better
      • A leader on and off the mats
      • Required to be at all meeting or designate another officer to speak on their behalf
      • Make at least 1 practice a week
  • New Club Hours – Tuesday from 3-5 p.m., Thursday from 1:30-3 p.m. and Jeremy will confirm with Mike DeHoog about adding a Friday from 8-10 a.m. class.
  • Hands-on Self-defense seminars – Tuesday, 5/26/15 and 6/2/15 from 3-5pm
    • Jeremy to show up ½ hour early to go over moves to BJJ Club assistants that will be shown during seminar
  • Fundraising for May
    • Sell Ice Cream at GSA?/PTK? Car wash on May 8th? Serena to confirm dates and confirm involvement on the same day as the other club’s fundraiser.
    • 3-on-3 basketball tournament
    • Fun in the sun
    • Ideas and estimated costs of Finals Week Survival Kits
  • Future Meeting Dates: May 5th, 2015
  • Other Announcements

March 31st, 2015

  • Made announcement that Scott Henderson and Victor Alvarez would be stepping down from their officer roles with the BJJ Club.
  • Discussed election of Vacant Officer Positions.
    • Requirements:
      • Grades of a C or better
      • A leader on and off the mats
      • Required to be at all meeting or designate another officer to speak on their behalf
      • Make at least 1 practice a week
    • The President, Treasurer and Secretary positions will voted on during the next meeting of April 7th, 2015 @ 2 p.m.
  • Confirm Club Hours
    • The club will resume the schedule of 3-5 p.m. every Tuesday and Thursday during the academic quarters.
    • Jeremy Seda will send out of doodle poll to see if there are better days and times to move, add or extend practice times.
  • Discussed Self-defense seminars for other Clubs.
    • Looking at the end of April.
    • Jeremy Seda will send out of doodle poll to other clubs to find dates that work well with other clubs.
  • Fundraising for May
    • We may want to piggyback the PTK car wash on May 8th. If we do something with food, then we will need to contact Sodexo ASAP to make sure they can accommodate in cooking and handling food.
    • Finals week care packs…need to discuss more.
  • Future Meeting Dates – Tentatively 1st and 3rd Tuesday of Every Month
  • Other Announcements