For Immediate Release
May 27, 2014
Contact: Doug Sly, (509) 793-2003
Blakely, Valencia honored by Trustees Association
Two Big Bend Community College officials received statewide recognition at the 2014 Trustees Association of Community and Technical Colleges annual awards presentation in Yakima on May 15.
BBCC Trustee Mike Blakely of Quincy received the Trustee Leadership Award. Custodio Valencia, BBCC’s Program Director of TRIO-SSS-Student Support Services, received the Equity Award.
The Trustee Leadership Award recognizes trustees for service as outstanding leaders in the community and technical college system. Blakely shared the award with Clark College Trustee Sherry Parker.
The Equity Award recognizes an individual or college program that has demonstrated success in furthering equity and student achievement in the community and technical college system.
“It is impressive that competing with nominations from more than 30 community and technical colleges, BBCC received so much recognition at the annual awards ceremony of state trustees,” said BBCC President Terry Leas.
Blakely’s recognition comes toward the end of his second term on the BBCC Board of Trustees. He also serves on the BBCC Foundation Board.
“Mike continually reaches out to students and encourages their attendance at BBCC, often bringing them to campus and introducing them to student services personnel,” said fellow BBCC Trustee Jon Lane.
“Mr. Blakely has been a huge influence in my life,” said Miraclejoy Curtis, a BBCC student who received a TACTC Transforming Lives Award earlier this year. “Through him, I was able to meet legislators in Olympia, earn money for college, believe in myself, and have hope for a successful future.”