MOSES LAKE — Registration is now open for Big Bend Community College’s 2018 Viking Volleyball Camps.
Camps are open to students grades five through 12 and offer participants a chance to learn more about volleyball and further develop their playing skills.
Camp for students grades five through eight takes place June 25-27 and camp for students grades nine through 12 is scheduled for June 27-29. Both sessions will be held at the DeVries Activity Center (2000 building) on campus.
During each session, players will be divided into age groups and ability levels in order to provide the best possible learning environment. Campers need to wear athletic gear including T-shirts, athletic shorts/spandex, court shoes and kneepads. They’ll also need to bring their own lunches each day.
Camp is $80 per person for students grades five through eight and $100 for students grades nine through 12 if registered before June 15. After that date, prices increases to $90 and $110.
There is also a $10 discount per additional sibling.
For more information, or to register, contact Michael De Hoog at (509) 793-2231 or