Big Bend instructor featured in Spokane art show

Dustin Regul artwork abstract painting with baseball

Big Bend instructor featured in Spokane art show

art instructor dustin regul
BBCC Art instructor Dustin Regul

MOSES LAKE —Big Bend Community College instructor Dustin Regul is one of two featured artists at a Spokane gallery this month.

His show “Penumbra” runs at Saranac Art Projects March 3 to April 1. The gallery is open to the public Fridays and Saturdays from 12 to 8 p.m.

“Penumbra is the edge of shadows; the in-between space. I connected this ‘in-between’ to my interest between abstract and representational art and the in-between of my memory and nostalgia,” said Regul. “The abstract plays with dimensions and represents the unknown while viewers will have associations with the recognizable representational elements.”

Regul said his inspiration for this show started with the book “Flatland” by Edwin A. Abbott, a book he had read years ago but recently re-discovered. In the book, Abbott describes casted shadows on a sunny day as a 2D representation of one’s 3D self.

“I proceeded to go down the rabbit hole and explored the physics of shadows and nostalgia,” he said.

For this show, Regul used a mix of collage, acrylic and oil paint on canvas in his pieces. He said he wants his work to pose thoughtful questions for viewers.

“I hope the viewers can make associations with the representational elements while being contemplative with their connections to the abstract,” said Regul.

For more information about the show and gallery directions, visit

About Dustin:

Dustin is from northern Illinois. He attended Illinois College where he received his B.A. (2012), earned his M.A. from Eastern Illinois University (2013), and obtained his M.F.A. from Washington State University (2019). Dustin primarily deems himself a painter and educator though he dabbles in various other creative outlets such as sculpting, woodworking, stained glass, new media, and considers himself a dedicated tinkerer who is passionately curious. He currently teaches at Big Bend Community College and resides in central Washington. Visit for more information.