For Immediate Release
March 18, 2013
Contact: Doug Sly, 509-793-2003
Big Bend Community College has been awarded $535,500 for on-campus energy efficiency projects.
In addition to energy savings, the project will provide safety and security benefits for students and staff by improving exterior lighting throughout the campus, according to college officials.
The college was awarded $472, 032 on March 13 from the state Department of Commerce’s Energy Efficiency Grants program, which provides funding to local governments and educational institutions to lower energy costs for facilities. BBCC also will receive a $63,462 incentive for the project from Grant County PUD as part of its energy conservation program.
“The improved exterior lighting has been requested by our students and staff for a long time, and we are thrilled to have the funding for a project that will both save energy and improve safety and security,” said Gail Hamburg, BBCC Vice President of Administrative Services.
BBCC will use the funding to install new energy efficient lighting and motion controls in eight buildings. Exterior lighting on campus will be improved with installation of new pole lights, exterior walkway lights, and wall lights on the exterior of buildings.
The state grants are among four dozen projects selected statewide totaling $18 million, according to a news release from the governor’s office. The grants, announced last week by Gov. Jay Inslee, will help pay for reducing energy costs at 12 colleges or universities and 37 local governments. The governor estimates the grants will generate more than 500 new construction-related jobs.