2016 Commencement Photos

Graduate shaking hands with Trustee Graduate hugging faculty member graduate after receiving diploma graduate with faculty member graduate with President Lees student speaker at graduation ceremony graduate speaker at ceremony key note speaker at graduation President Lees welcome at graduation key note speaker and President Lees sitting on stage President Lees welcome at graduation ceremony graduates sitting and waiting student singing the national anthem at graduation graduates ready to sit down graduates ready to walk in faculty and administrators waiting to walk in graduates on the field board member and faculty waiting to walk in students entering the field for ceremony students entering the field for ceremony students ushered in by PTK members two faculty walking entering the field for ceremony faculty walking in to graduation ceremony faculty ready to walk in to ceremony faculty waiting their turn to walk in trustee members leading the crowd college president and trustees walk onto the field family and friends in the stands waiting for graduates to enter graduates ready and waiting for ceremony student and faculty member decorated hat to celebrate graduation decorated hat to celebrate graduation trustees and key note speaker PTK members ready to escort the graduates graduates ready to line up security manager on his driving cart team of 3 faculty waiting for ceremony TRiO team advisors waiting for ceremony IST Faculty waiting for ceremony Faculty group waiting for ceremony staff advisor waiting for ceremony decorated cap for graduation group of graduates waiting to line up for ceremony two students waiting to line up for ceremony group of students waiting for graduation ceremony male graduate waiting to line up for ceremony