Big Bend Community College | *$8,193 | *$16,386 |
Central Washington University | $22,547 | $45,094 |
Eastern Washington University | $22,425 | $44,850 |
University of Washington | $26,595 | $53,190 |
Washington State University | $27,480 | $54,960 |
*Big Bend figure assumes living inside college service district at home with parents (no room & board) *All figures assume full-time student, in-state resident, living off campus, no summer classes. ** Big Bend Community College average savings versus cost of tuition at CWU, EWU, UofW, and WSU
Washington State:, University of Washington:, Central Washington:, Eastern Washington:
Big Bend students SAVE on average **$33,000 in tuition costs
Call (509) 761‑6260 or submit your information below for a free meeting with a Big Bend Community College academic counselor today!
Big Hopes, Big Dreams, BIG SUCCESS at Big Bend Community College!
Associate transfer degrees, professional technical degrees and certificates, general studies associate degrees and BBCC partnership bachelor’s degrees… there is something for you at Big Bend Community College.
The Direct Transfer associate degree, commonly called Associate in Arts and Sciences, transfers to most bachelor degree programs at all four-year colleges and universities in Washington State. The Direct Transfer degree provides priority admission for most humanities and social science majors to public universities and satisfies most lower-division and general education requirements.
BIG BEND COMMUNITY COLLEGE • 7662 CHANUTE STREET NE • MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 • (509) 793‑2222 • (877) 745‑1212 • TDD (509) 792‑2325