Foundation FAQ

What are BBCC's fundraising priorities?

Your gift to any area or fund makes a significant difference for BBCC and its students. The top priority areas for which the college is currently fundraising include finishing the WEC Campaign and funding emergency assistance scholarship. You can select “greatest need” on the online donation form found here.

Will my small gift really make a difference?

Yes! Every donation has an impact. Your gift, combined with those like it, meets a variety of urgent needs and changes lives. All levels of participation, no matter how small, from previous students, parents, teachers, and staff demonstrate BBCC’s support for the numerous new initiatives underway at our fantastic community college.

How do I specify where I want my gift to go?

For payments made online, selecting a designation is a section of the donation form. When writing checks, you have two options for designating the donation: either include a message explaining your intentions or just write the recipient’s address in the memo line.

Who should I contact if I have a question about my gift receipt?

Contact the BBCC Foundation by phone at (509)-793-2004, (509)-793-2005, (509)-793-2006, by email at,,, or visit us in the 1800 building in the University Center hallway!

Does BBCC accept donations by credit card? If so, which cards?

All credit cards are accepted excluding American Express.

Who do I contact if I have a question or problem making an online donation?

Contact the BBCC Foundation by phone at (509)-793-2004, (509)-793-2005, (509)-793-2006, by email at,,, or visit us in the 1800 building in the University Center hallway!

Can I make an anonymous gift and forgo being publicly recognized?

BBCC will respect your wish for privacy and keep your gift a secret. Through publicly posted donor lists and donor appreciation activities, we are pleased to honor the generosity of our donors. We will abide by donors’ requests when they inform us that they would prefer not to have their contributions acknowledged publicly. For tax purposes, anonymous donors must supply personal information; nevertheless, the information will be kept private. If you would rather not have your name listed, just call and let us know.

What is an "employer matching gift"?

Many employers encourage their staff members for their charitable giving by matching it, sometimes one-to-one, twice-to-one, or even three-times-to-one. Corporate matching funding can have a significant influence. Hundreds of business offer matching gift programs.

If I cannot make a gift right now what are my options?

Making a pledge now with the option to have the college contact you later or charge your credit card is incredibly simple. Pledges provide you the flexibility to spread out your contributions over the course of the year, allowing you to think about making a bigger donation to BBCC. For your convenience, billing arrangements for pledge payments can be set on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis. Cash, checks, electronic checks, credit cards, electronic fund transfers, wire transfers, and stocks and securities are all acceptable payment methods for us.

How can I update my contact information?

Contact the BBCC Foundation by phone at (509)-793-2004, (509)-793-2005, (509)-793-2006, by email at,,, or visit us in the 1800 building in the University Center hallway!

Does BBCC rent or sell my personal information to third parties?

Never, your personal information will remain confidential and will never be sold.

Foundation Contact
Foundation Staff
LeAnne Parton

Parton, LeAnne

Foundation Executive Director
(509) 793-2004
Wendi Stark headshot

Stark, Wendi

Asst. Director BBCC FOundation
Foundation program specialist, Jennifer Starr

Starr, Jennifer

Foundation Program Specialist
(509) 793-2005
Additional Links