Foundation Campaigns

Family Campaign

The BBCC campus community comes together each year for our employee giving event, helping to support the college and our students. The BBCC Foundation Executive Director, LeAnne K. Parton shares, “I am always moved and inspired by the level of generosity and care the Big Bend faculty and staff have for its students and each other.”

Building Tomorrow's Workforce Campaign

To meet the needs of both our workforce and employers, BBCC has launched Building Tomorrow’s Workforce, a comprehensive building and funding program. The new workforce education buildings will provide modern and efficient training space, replacing the inefficient and unsafe facilities that were never meant for educational purposes. Not only that, but the new facilities will draw new students to the region’s job possibilities and retain them there.

This project is not about the building, it is about what happens inside the buildings to “Build Tomorrow’s Workforce”.  Construction costs for the 146,000 square feet of new workforce education space are estimated at $48,000,000. State funding will underwrite $37,000,000, and the College has committed $6,000,000 from reserves. The remaining funding will come from private industry, foundations, and individuals.

President's Messages

  • Most of Big Bend’s Workforce Programs are housed in The Workforce Education Center (WEC). Yet WEC represents so much more than training in business and industry. Through the doors of this beautiful, yet functional facility walk students with their talents, hopes, and dreams of building their skills and increasing their knowledge so that they can have meaningful, fulfilling careers.  Truly, the careers that follow their education and training transform their lives and open possibilities to contribute meaningfully to their own personal and familial betterment. Future generations will be impacted by the students who graduate from these workforce programs today.  

    I am grateful for the donors, business and industry leaders as well as the Big Bend employees and trustees who saw the Workforce Education Center through to completion. All of these efforts combined are making it possible for talented individuals to fulfill their own dreams.

    Dr. Sara Thompson Tweedy
    BBCC President
  • “We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.” – Winston Churchill

     A few years ago at an in-service meeting, I told our employees how working at a college is similar to building a medieval cathedral. During the Middle Ages, cathedrals often took centuries to complete. Workers failed to live long enough to see the final product, but they knew that their contributions were important to the success of the overall project.

    Similarly, Big Bend Community College is continually developing, and we will never see a “final product”. Its Workforce Education Center (WEC) and Aviation Maintenance Technology (AMT) hangar are opportunities to see the completion of a major development in the college’s ability to provide high-quality technical education and training to meet the workforce needs of local employers. Donors to the WEC and AMT hangar make a personal legacy with their generosity as noted by Churchill. Their investments also make possible the transformation of lives by the programs within these new buildings. We at Big Bend and the Big Bend Foundation are grateful for donors’ willingness to build a positive future for Big Bend and the communities it serves.

    Dr. Terrence Leas
    Former BBCC President
Workforce Education Center FAQ

What are the positive outcomes expected from this project for my business?

The increased capacity created by these facilities will provide more skilled workers to the local economy. The growth of the economy is good for everyone! The quantity & quality of skilled workers will both increase due to better design and more efficient space. BBCC will improve its competitive advantage in attracting & retaining students.

Why is a publicly funded institution asking for private investments?

The money allotted from the State of Washington is only to replace 76,000 square feet of workforce education space in current, outdated buildings to meet all the existing programming needs. Additional space is required, necessitating the investment of BBCC resources and the capital campaign.

What is the state and college investing in this project?

The State of WA allocated $37 million, and the college pledged $6 million to this milestone project. We seek a total of 3.75 million from investors in the capital campaign.

Is there a minimum amount I can pledge?

No. Every investment in this project is greatly appreciated.

Why is this building project important now?

Most of the facilities being replaced were built from 1952-1956. Added to their age is the fact that they were not built as training facilities, but as military facilities. It is very difficult to recruit students to facilities of this age and quality when they have graduated from high schools and technical centers with modern facilities. Additionally, some of the existing facilities have safety issues and do not meet ADA standards.

Is my investment in "Building Tomorrow's Workforce" tax deductible?

The Big Bend Community College Foundation is a 510 (c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Your contribution may be tax deductible. Consult with your tax advisor to find out more.

May I make an anonymous investment?

The foundation will take great care to keep your information and investment confidential. Requests for anonymity will be respected. You will receive a receipt for your investment, and your information will not be publicly listed or released per your request.

Can you explain the seemingly high square foot cost of the two facilities?

Workforce education space is more costly than regular classroom space to construct. The regular classroom is a rectangle with open space for tables and chairs. The labs necessary for the WEC and the Aviation Maintenance building have specific design elements per lab that impact all construction elements such as electrical, plumbing, partitions, and heavy duty equipment such as cranes. The need for the Aviation Maintenance building location on the airport flight line increased costs. Creating a second-story WEC space did provide cost reduction over a one-story structure.

I cannot make a significant gift right now, but would like to include Big Bend Community College in my will or as a beneficiary on an investment account. Can I do that?

Yes. This is a great way to leave a legacy at the college. Consult with your attorney or financial advisor. A bequest can be made through your will or trust and BBCC may also be named as a beneficiary on certain retirement assets.

As an investor, will I be kept informed of project progress and positive outcomes created by the new facilities?

Yes. The BBCC Foundation will keep investors informed of progress throughout the fundraising process and developments as the facilities are constructed and placed in service.

How will my investment be recognized?

All investments will be recognized in multiple ways unless an investor requests anonymity. Naming opportunities are available with both buildings. There will be publicity during and after the campaign recognizing investors. There will be investor recognition in the WEC building for all who participate.