Center for Business and Industry Services (CBIS)

Big Bend Community College’s Center for Business and Industry Services (CBIS) is the area leader in workforce training and community education classes. Big Bend Community College has provided education to Central Washington and the Columbia Basin since 1962. CBIS provides the resources for continuous learning and workforce training by being responsive to the changing needs of our community. 

Our programs and trainings are designed for those who need to obtain new skills, enhance their current skill set, or obtain certifications and continuing education credits. We can also assess your training needs.  Professional, technical or recreational, the Center for Business and Industry Services at Big Bend Community College is your first stop for training resources.

Online Training

Flagger Certification

ARFF Training

Personal Enrichment

Youth Programs

Certificate Programs

Professional Development

A note for Employers:

We’ve made it our business to help your business succeed. Our programs are known for utilizing training consultants from around the country with expertise in specific workplace topics, the use of BBCC state-of-the-art facilities, and partnerships with BBCC faculty with real-world experience.

We partner with businesses small and large to provide exactly the training they need to succeed. Employees continue to work while upskilling their talents; businesses gain the talent they need to grow and thrive.  All of this with the intent of partnering your business with a state-wide grant to support your training needs financially as well. (See JSP Assistance and CTP Assistance grants below)

…It all adds up to successful businesses and a stronger economy.

Available Funding


Through the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC), Job Skills Program (JSP) grants are awarded to partner employers through the BBCC Center for Business and Industry Services (CBIS). JSP funds the actual training cost for the employer; while partner employers provide a cash or in-kind match to fund the other half – such as paying for employee wages and benefits to attend the trainings.

Funds are awarded through CBIS to partner employers on a first-approved, rolling basis throughout the fiscal year.


Businesses that provide employment opportunities in Washington state may be eligible for interest-free training loan assistance for customized contract training to partner employers through the BBCC Center for Business and Industry Services (CBIS).

The Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) administers the program funds.

CBIS Staff
Logo of Big Bend Thor

Montemayor, Kennedy

CBIS Program Support

Morley, Michelle

Dean of Workforce Education
Logo of Big Bend Thor

Stauffer, Kaylee

CBIS Program Assistant
(509) 793-2374

Laszlo, Beth

Center for Business & Industry Services Director
(509) 793-2425