Meet & Contact the TRIO SSS Staff

Your TRIO Student Support Services team

Veronica Guadarrama, TRIO Student Support Services Director

Veronica Guadarrama

!Hablo español! 

Veronica Guadarrama, MHED, holds a Master’s Degree in Higher Education from the University of Arizona, and a Bachelor’s Degree from Central Washington University. She has been with TRIO SSS for four years and at Big Bend for five. Veronica is also a former participant of three TRIO programs: the McNair Scholars Program, TRIO Student Support Services, and Upward Bound. She loves working with TRIO students! Her areas of expertise include: Program development, management, and student development.

Fun facts: Veronica has two goldendoodles that she loves and binging watching shows is her favorite. 

You can schedule an appointment directly onto Veronica’s calendar through Starfish. Your login is your BigBend username WITHOUT and password. You can also contact Veronica at or 509-793-2039. 

Introducción de Veronica en español

Veronica Guadarrama, MHED, tiene una Maestría en Educación Superior de la Universidad de Arizona y Licenciatura de la Universidad Central de Washington. Ha trabajado con TRIO SSS por cuatro años y ha estado en Big Bend por cinco. Veronica también fue participante de tres programas de TRIO: McNair Scholars Program, TRIO Student Support Services, and Upward Bound. ¡Le encanta trabajar con los estudiantes de TRIO! Sus áreas de especialización incluyen: desarrollo de programas, gestión y desarrollo de estudiantes.

Puedes programar una cita directamente en el calendario de Veronica a través de Starfish. Para iniciar su sesión, use su nombre de usuario de Big Bend y contraseña. Tambien se pude comunicar por email a or a 509-793-2039.

Astrid Chen, TRIO Student Support Services Academic Advisor

Astrid Chen

!Hablo español! 

Astrid Chen, BA, holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work from Eastern Washington University. Astrid is also a former participant in the TRIO Upward Bound at BBCC! Her areas of expertise include: academic advising, transfer support, financial aid and scholarship assistance.

You can schedule an appointment directly onto Astrid’s calendar through Starfish. Your login is your BigBend username WITHOUT and password. You can also contact Astrid at or 509-793-2042. 

Introducción de Astrid en español

Astrid Chen, BA, tiene una licenciatura en trabajo social de la Universidad del Este de Washington. ¡Astrid también fue participante en TRIO Upward Bound en BBCC! Sus áreas de especialización incluyen: asesoramiento académico, apoyo para transferencias, ayuda financiera y asistencia para becas.

Puedes programar una cita directamente en el calendario de Astrid a través de Starfish. Para iniciar su sesión, use su nombre de usuario de Big Bend y contraseña. Tambien se pude comunicar por email a or a 509-793-2042.

Jasmine Evangelista-Martinez, TRIO Student Support Services Academic Advisor

Jasmine Martinez

!Hablo español! 

Jasmine Evangelista-Martinez, BS, holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies from Central Washington University. Jasmine is an alumnus of BBCC, as well as a former participant of the TRIO-Student Support Service and Upward Bound Programs. Her area of expertise include: academic advising, transfer support, financial aid and scholarship assistance.

You can schedule an appointment directly onto Jasmine’s calendar through Starfish. Your login is your BigBend username WITHOUT and password. You can also contact Jasmine at or 509-793-2041. 

Introducción de Jasmine en español

Jasmine Evangelista-Martinez, BS, tiene una Licenciatura en Estudios Interdisciplinarios de la Universidad Central de Washington. Jasmine es alumna de BBCC, y participantó en TRIO-Student Support Service y Upward Bound Programs en Big Bend. Su área de especialización incluye: asesoramiento académico, apoyo de transferencia, ayuda financiera y asistencia con becas.

Puedes programar una cita directamente en el calendario de Jasmine a través de Starfish. Para iniciar su sesión, use su nombre de usuario de Big Bend y contraseña. Tambien se pude comunicar por email a or a 509-793-2041.

Liz (Elizabeth) Valle, TRIO Student Support Services Academic Advisor

Liz Valle, TRIO SSS advisor photo

!Hablo español! 

Hi there, I am Elizabeth Valle or Liz, and I have worked as a TRIO advisor at BBCC since 2021. I was a first-generation, low-income, migrant student from Warden, WA. While in high school, I participated in TRIO Upward Bound. After high school I attended WSU Pullman where I received my B.A. in Sociology and now proud WSU alumna (GO COUGS!). In 2020, I received my M.A. in Human Services from Bellevue University (online). In the past I also worked as an after-hours social worker. I love working with students and try my best to provide individualized advising. I am able to meet with you in-person, via Zoom, or by phone. Please drop by my office in the 1400 building (room 1432), I would love to meet with you! 

You can schedule an appointment directly onto Liz’s calendar through Starfish. Your login is your BigBend username WITHOUT and password. You can also contact Liz at or 509-793-2082. 

Introducción de Liz en español

Hola, soy Elizabeth Valle o Liz, y he trabajado como consejera de TRIO en BBCC desde 2021. Yo era una estudiante migrante de primera generación, de bajos ingresos, de Warden, WA. Mientras estaba en la escuela secundaria, participé en TRIO Upward Bound. Después de la secundaria asistí a WSU Pullman donde recibí mi B.A. en Sociología y ahora soy exalumna orgullosa de WSU (¡VAMOS COUGS!). En 2020, recibí mi maestría en Servicios Humanos de la Universidad de Bellevue (en línea). Y en el pasado también trabajé como trabajadora social en las trades. Me encanta trabajar con estudiantes y hago todo lo posible para brindarles asesoramiento individualizado. Puedo reunirme con usted en persona, a través de Zoom o por teléfono. Pase por mi oficina en el edificio 1400 (habitación 1432). ¡Me encantaría reunirme con usted!

Puedes programar una cita directamente en el calendario de Liz a través de Starfish. Para iniciar su sesión, use su nombre de usuario de Big Bend y contraseña. Tambien se pude comunicar por email a or a 509-793-2082.

Taylor Mather, TRIO Student Support Services STEM Academic Advisor

Photo of Taylor Mather, TRIO SSS STEM Academic Advisor

Hello, I am Taylor Mather and I am the Academic Advisor for the TRIO SSS STEM Program. I was born and raised in Moses Lake, Washington, graduating from Moses Lake High School before going off to WSU to earn my B.S. in Biology. In 2016, I received my M.S. in Counseling and Student Development from Kansas State University. I have a passion for Academic Advising and providing individualized advising to the students I work with. I am kept busy outside of the office with my 2 dogs and a new baby! I am able to meet with you in-person, via Zoom, or by phone. Please drop by my office in the 1400 building (room 1431), I look forward to working with you!

You can schedule an appointment directly onto Taylor’s calendar through Starfish. Your login is your BigBend username WITHOUT and password. You can also contact Liz at or 509-793-2038.  

Cheryl Brischle, TRIO Student Support Services Program Assistant

Cheryl Brischle

Cheryl Brischle, AAS, AA&S, is also an alumnus of BBCC, holding an Associate of Applied Science in BIM and Associate of Arts and Science DTA.  Her areas of expertise include: textbook loan, assisting students with general questions, participant application process, file management, and monitoring the TRIO SSS Lab.

Cheryl can be contacted at or 509-793-2040.