Lesson 8 Aircraft Performance

Airspeed Calibration
Given: IAS 110kts Flaps 0

CAS 111kts

Altimeter Correction
Given: 100kts Flaps 0

Add 20 feet to Alt.

Wind Components
cos of angle x velocity = Headwind

sin of angle x velocity = Crosswind

Given: Rwy 18 Wind 200/10

Headwind = 9 kts

Crosswind = 3.5 kts

Wind Components
Given Rwy 18 Wind 260/20

Subtract to get angle


Find 80 on radial lines

Find speed (20) on arc

Drop down for crosswind

Go across for headwind

Takeoff Distance
Takeoff distance Problem #1
Given: Elevation 1400, Temp 52F, Wind Calm, Alt. Setting 29.32

1st figure Pressure Altitude

PA = 2000

Ground roll 1178

Over a 50′ obstacle 1861

Takeoff Distance
Landing Distance Same method as Takeoff Distance

Interpolation Problem #2 Landing Distance

Interpolation Problem #3 Landing Distance

Interpolation Problem #4 Landing Distance

Given: Elevation 1185, Temp 9C, Alt. Setting 29.30, Wind 10 kts

Cruise Performance
Read Notes!


Cruise Alt. 4500

65% Power

7.8 Gal/Hr

98knots True

Time, Fuel and Distance to Climb
Given: Elevation 1185, Alt 29.60

Cruise Alt 5500

Find PA:


320+1185=1505 PA at takeoff

5500+320=5820 PA at cruise

Find 1505 go over drop down

2 min, .4 gal, 2 miles

Find 5820 go over drop down

11.5 min, 1.8 gal, 14 miles

Subtract corresponding numbers and get:

9.5 minutes

1.4 gallons

12 miles