
Art is a human expression.  In the art department, the studio method of learning emphasizes the development of individual creativity and technical competence.  The department’s objective is the achievement of a sense of involvement, integrity, and creativity by the student.

The department provides basic disciplines in the arts for art majors, other students, and citizens of the community.  In developing each individual’s talent and interests, equal emphasis is on mastery and the appreciation of all art forms.  The curriculum probes aspects of visual communication, which focus the eye, mind, and hand in the technical and creative awareness the student needs to adequately prepare for his/her major area of study and for transfer to four-year college or university.

A variety of art courses are offered for the student and the community.  The art student may select from such fields as art history, two and three-dimensional design, drawing, painting or ceramic art.

Program Outcomes
Career Possibilities
Transfer Options
Industry Connections
Scholarships & Grants
  • Art is a visual language, which artists use to record and interpret life experiences. The messages artists share are personal and social records.
  • The ability to understand and appreciate visual art is a skill you can develop through observation and study and one you can utilize throughout your life.
  • Successful art students can develop enhanced critical thinking in figuring out how to solve problems: whether they are creativity skills or spatial perception.
  • Students can learn to contribute to community through better understanding and appreciation of the work of artists around them.
  • Students can transfer to a four-year institution or professional art school.
  • Students can see and experience the world through the art representing various cultures and time periods.

For job shadows, tours, and internships, check out the Career Services.

Degrees & Certificates

Generic AA&S-DTA Transfer Degree

Name: Generic Associates of Art & Science Direct Transfer Agreement
Total Credits:
Learning Outcomes:

  • Students will be able to communicate clearly and effectively.
  • Students will be able to reason mathematically.
  • Students will be able to demonstrate teamwork, ethics, appropriate safety awareness and/or workplace specific skills.
  • Students will be able to recognize or articulate personal/interpersonal aspects of, or connections between, diverse cultural, social, or political contexts.
  • Students will be able to solve problems by gathering, interpreting, combining and/or applying information from multiple sources.
Basic and Breadth Requirements
Specified and General Electives

Course Credits

Basic Skill – Communications (BS)

ENGL& 101 – Composition I (5) and 
ENGL& 102 – Composition II (5) OR ENGL& 235 – Technical Writing (5)


Symbolic Quantitative Reasoning (SQR)

Any MATH course above 101: MATH& 107 – Math in Society (5) 
(Liberal and Fine Arts, Early Childhood Ed), MATH& 141 – Pre-Calculus I (5) (Computer Science, Manufacturing, STEM), MATH& 146 – Statistics (5) (K-12 Ed, Social Work, Criminal Justice, Psychology) or
PHIL& 120 – Symbolic Logic (5) (Liberal and Fine Arts, undecided)


Humanities (HU/HP) (15 credits from TWO disciplines)
Includes art, communications, diversity, English, foreign
languages, music, philosophy, religious studies

*Maximum 5 credits of HP
**Maximum 5 credits of 100-level foreign language

Social Sciences (SS) (15 credits from THREE disciplines)
Includes anthropology, criminal justice, economics,
history, political science, psychology, sociology

Math/Science (LS/MS/NS)

*At least one LAB SCIENCE (LS) Course
**Maximum 5 credits of additional math


Additional Breadth (HP/HU/SS/LS/MS/NS/SQR)


PE/Wellness (PEH)
PEH 100 – Lifetime Wellness


Course Credits
Specified (HU/HP/SS/LS/MS/NS/SE) 10
General (any 100-level and above course) 12

Art Contact
Art Faculty/Staff
Logo of Big Bend Thor

Ulmer, Nate

Part-time Art Instructor
art instructor dustin regul

Regul, Dustin

Art Instructor
Logo of Big Bend Thor

Hagel, Scott

Art Associate faculty
Logo of Big Bend Thor

Gilbertson, Marguerite

Part-time Art Instructor