Free Comic Book Day returns to BBCC Saturday

Students on free comic book day

MOSES LAKE — The William C. Bonaudi Library will celebrate Free Comic Book Day this weekend, joining thousands of comic book shops and specialty bookstores around the world in promoting the comic book industry and bringing in new readers.

The Big Bend event will feature free comics, a variety of board and card games, video game tournaments and prizes for creative costumes. Activities take place Saturday, May 4, from noon to 6 p.m. in both the library and Masto Conference Center (ATEC).

The event is free and open to the public. Last year, the celebration drew over 80 community members to campus.

“Last year’s Free Comic Book Day proved there was an audience for this kind of event, so this year we have more of everything: more space, more games, more snacks, and most importantly, more comics,” said event organizer Zach Welhouse.

Free Comic Book Day is an annual event that takes place the first Saturday in May. Participating comic book shops and specialty bookstores throughout the United States and around the world give away free comics and invite their communities to participate in other fun activities such as cosplay and meet and greet sessions with comic book creators.

The very first Free Comic Book Day event was held in 2002. Since then, millions of free comic books have been given away to readers.

While Free Comic Book Day is a celebration of local comic book shops and bookstores, libraries often participate, especially in areas where comic shops are not easily accessible.

“One of the signs of a good library is that it’s a community space: a place where people don’t need to make a purchase to learn, relax, or have a good time. Anyone who stops by can pick up something to read and play some games,” said Welhouse. “Our event is open to everyone – and if you live in our service district and have a state-recognized ID card, you can sign up for a library card while you’re here.”

RSVP to the event on Facebook for reminders HERE!