New to WES Students

The WES funding application is for students who are new to WES and are requesting WES funding as well as for returning WES students who have taken 1 year or more off from college.

Please click the link below to fill out the application:

Once you have applied for funding and have been approved you will need to attend a WES orientation prior to the quarter starting. The WES orientation is a mandatory orientation, to help you better understand who WES is and the grants and services that WES may be able to provide to you as a student. We will discuss what qualifications are needed for each program and how they may assist you during your college experience. 


Start Quarter Date Time
Fall Quarter 2024 9/10/2024 10:30am-1:30pm
Winter Quarter 2025 12/12/2024 10:30am-1:30pm
Spring Quarter 2025 3/06/2025 10:30am-1:30pm
Summer Quarter 2025 6/5/2025 10:30am-1:30pm