TRIO SSS Student Testimonials

Melissa Suarez

“When someone mentions that they work with TRIO, or they’re with TRIO, it gives you a little more sense of security. That you’re not alone, and you have a friend if you need one.”

melissa suarez

Freddy Gaxiola-Arroyo

“I say you should choose TRIO because they will help you with anything that you need. If you need help with your homework, tutoring, finding the right classes- they’ll help you.”

Aylin Duran-Torralba

“They (TRIO Advisors) do anything in their power to just help you out with anything. Like it can be anything personal or education-wise, just anything. You feel like part of a family, you always feel welcome.”

Aylin Torralba

Audra Pierce

“Definitely take advantage of TRIO. It doesn’t cost anything to be part of TRIO, it’s all free. They’re here to help support you in any way you need.”

Giovanni Partida

“TRIO is such a welcoming environment for students. TRIO advisors really help us succeed, they really push us to our next level.”